Month 1#
Month 2#
Bathroom Hijinks
While the rest of the world suffers much worse problems, I feel like I'll just share my home improvement ones. WARNING - this will contain gross subject matter, bodily waste, and grievous harm to a household.
I was made aware of our problem when I went downstairs this Friday and found that our entire basement was flooded with blue fluid. There was also an odd smell to the place. That should have been my first clue our situation was utterly screwed. However, I tried to fix the flooded drain and got no effect as the smell grew worse as well as the flooding increased to become ankle deep. My suspicion was the blue fluid is our toilet water from the use of an antiseptic bar in the back.
Well I called the plumbers (not our usual people because they were closed) and they said they could come at nine in the morning. The problem of our flooding was doubly problematic because a lot of clothes were soaked as the basement is our laundry room and I couldn't get them all into baskets before it happened. I am usually a person who stays up until 4-5 and then sleeps until noon since I work at nights on my writing.'
So, I tried to go to bed early and in the end didn't get to sleep except for an hour, so nervous about missing the plumber and having the disgusting ooze down below. The plumbers did arrive and confirmed that our toilet was leaking all of its flushed contents into the basement. Our pipes were devastated by roots and will need the entire front yard ripped up to have them replaced. Oh and the pipes were also massively full of waste as well. So this is a huge expense and will take multiple days to do.
Mind you, it also took all day to even reach all of these conclusions so about 3:00 pm I was in a state of half-mad lunacy as I couldn't sleep during all of this as I was required to supervise every little detail with these people. I appreciated the fact that they wanted to know what they were doing was approved by the owners but I wasn't in the best headspace that.
Now it's a decision to whether or not I should use the house insurance to pay for all this or out of pocket. Anyway, they were certain that it was going to be something they could resolve by Saturday at 10:00 am so I spent a second night staying up the entirety of the evening in terror of missing them. So when it hit 11:00 am, I started to wonder if anything was wrong.
My wife had made the initial phone call to the new people (I have yet to learn their names) and didn't know which number on her phone was theirs. It didn't help that I hadn't caught their name in my two days of sleep-deprived lunacy. So I eventually cycled through them until we found them. It turned out that they actually weren't coming due to the fact the city had to approve their actions as well as map to our sewer line. No, they would be coming on Tuesday at 9:00 in the morning so I had yet another day of sleeplessness to deal with.
You can wonder if this would be a problem as we still would have to use the bathroom in the meantime. The plumbers reassured us this would not be a problem and that our basement would not refill with leaks while they waited for permission to fix the pipes. I could tell even when they told me this that they were anything but certain about this. It was also problematic in the fact that all of the restaurants nearby are closed so I couldn't use their restrooms. Also, my wife is disabled so it wasn't like she was going to go anywhere else. Yeah.
The answer to this unfortunate question is that, yes, the basement started to fill once more with unfortunate smells as well as toilet paper. Lovely. It gets even better that our toilet is also loose and there is a sinking in the tiles. I'm going to contact a general contractor to see if its possible there's water damage [there is] and that our entire bathroom may have to be ripped up [it will be]. Thankfully, at least we have insurance. Somehow, though, I suspect this problem is going to get worse before it gets better. Thank goodness everyone else is having a good time this week!
Oh, right.
Month 2#
Bathroom Hijinks
While the rest of the world suffers much worse problems, I feel like I'll just share my home improvement ones. WARNING - this will contain gross subject matter, bodily waste, and grievous harm to a household.
I was made aware of our problem when I went downstairs this Friday and found that our entire basement was flooded with blue fluid. There was also an odd smell to the place. That should have been my first clue our situation was utterly screwed. However, I tried to fix the flooded drain and got no effect as the smell grew worse as well as the flooding increased to become ankle deep. My suspicion was the blue fluid is our toilet water from the use of an antiseptic bar in the back.
Well I called the plumbers (not our usual people because they were closed) and they said they could come at nine in the morning. The problem of our flooding was doubly problematic because a lot of clothes were soaked as the basement is our laundry room and I couldn't get them all into baskets before it happened. I am usually a person who stays up until 4-5 and then sleeps until noon since I work at nights on my writing.'

So, I tried to go to bed early and in the end didn't get to sleep except for an hour, so nervous about missing the plumber and having the disgusting ooze down below. The plumbers did arrive and confirmed that our toilet was leaking all of its flushed contents into the basement. Our pipes were devastated by roots and will need the entire front yard ripped up to have them replaced. Oh and the pipes were also massively full of waste as well. So this is a huge expense and will take multiple days to do.
Mind you, it also took all day to even reach all of these conclusions so about 3:00 pm I was in a state of half-mad lunacy as I couldn't sleep during all of this as I was required to supervise every little detail with these people. I appreciated the fact that they wanted to know what they were doing was approved by the owners but I wasn't in the best headspace that.
Now it's a decision to whether or not I should use the house insurance to pay for all this or out of pocket. Anyway, they were certain that it was going to be something they could resolve by Saturday at 10:00 am so I spent a second night staying up the entirety of the evening in terror of missing them. So when it hit 11:00 am, I started to wonder if anything was wrong.
My wife had made the initial phone call to the new people (I have yet to learn their names) and didn't know which number on her phone was theirs. It didn't help that I hadn't caught their name in my two days of sleep-deprived lunacy. So I eventually cycled through them until we found them. It turned out that they actually weren't coming due to the fact the city had to approve their actions as well as map to our sewer line. No, they would be coming on Tuesday at 9:00 in the morning so I had yet another day of sleeplessness to deal with.

You can wonder if this would be a problem as we still would have to use the bathroom in the meantime. The plumbers reassured us this would not be a problem and that our basement would not refill with leaks while they waited for permission to fix the pipes. I could tell even when they told me this that they were anything but certain about this. It was also problematic in the fact that all of the restaurants nearby are closed so I couldn't use their restrooms. Also, my wife is disabled so it wasn't like she was going to go anywhere else. Yeah.
The answer to this unfortunate question is that, yes, the basement started to fill once more with unfortunate smells as well as toilet paper. Lovely. It gets even better that our toilet is also loose and there is a sinking in the tiles. I'm going to contact a general contractor to see if its possible there's water damage [there is] and that our entire bathroom may have to be ripped up [it will be]. Thankfully, at least we have insurance. Somehow, though, I suspect this problem is going to get worse before it gets better. Thank goodness everyone else is having a good time this week!
Oh, right.