I'm very pleased to say one of my favorite websites has chosen to do a review of my book, ESOTERRORISM. The Fantasy Book Critic, a great website for news and articles as well as reviews about all the best fantasy on the internet.
What did they think?
They loved it!
Overall I very much enjoyed Esoterrorism as it was written with few things in mind, if you are looking for a fast-paced, action heavy thriller, then Esoterrorism will hit the bullseye. If you are looking for a change from the usual urban fantasy smorgasbord then Esoterrorism might do it for you. As for me, I was looking to read something new and exciting and Charles T. Phipps provided that in spades. I can’t wait to read the sequel volumes Eldritch Ops, and Operation: Otherworld. Give this book a try, I’m sure you will be hooked as well.
I hope you'll check it out!
Read the review here