Hey folks,
It's been a good month for books and a bad month personally. My poor father had to be checked into the hospital and is likely to suffer the loss of a leg. He's suffering from infections which have reached his bone and the treatments just haven't done very much for making sure it gets it out of his system. Vibes, well-wishes, prayers, and so on are appreciated. On the cheerier side of things, my wife and I just had our 6th wedding anniversary! I'm very blessed to have had her presence in my life and hope to make that six years ten times as long.
Now onto book news.
WRAITH KNIGHT's paperback version is technically out now, I say technically because I've been told there's been a delay but only until the 18th. The ebook version is also completed but hasn't been posted despite having my copy so hopefully that will be resolved. Also, we haven't gotten the audiobook finished yet either.
They're all coming, though, and it's been a big transition from Ragnarok Publications being an indie publisher to one which is available in book stores, Growing pains and all that. Please have patience as my wife has reminded for me to as well. This is a book I can honestly say is worth it.
People who have been worried my other projects will be taking away from the SUPERVILLAINY SAGA do not have to worry as I'm about 1/3rd of the way through THE SCIENCE OF SUPERVILLAINY and am doing it for NanoWriMon. You can follow my rather faint progress on my website here. I'm shooting for a March 2017 release for the book with a simultaneous audiobook release.
I've already got THE TOWER OF ZHAAL (Cthulhu Armageddon 2#) submitted to Crossroad Press and they're editing it by hand. While most of my books are set for being trilogies, I'm really of the mind the Cthulhu Armageddon series and Supervillainy Saga will be my two ongoing works.
Also, I'd like to apologize for a fact which numerous readers have pointed out that I accidentally had "clips" instead of "Magazines" for pistols. This is apparently one of the single most commonly misused things in fiction and RL for causal gun users and is akin to Dan Brown calling the immortal painter "Davinchi" instead of "Leonardo."
Also, using squad and squadron interchangeably. Now I could do some B.S. about how Derek in Esoterrorism is just being a jackass or the Red Room has its own terminology but that'd be silly. Sorry guys. I'll be better next time.
Have a great Thanksgiving folks.
It's been a good month for books and a bad month personally. My poor father had to be checked into the hospital and is likely to suffer the loss of a leg. He's suffering from infections which have reached his bone and the treatments just haven't done very much for making sure it gets it out of his system. Vibes, well-wishes, prayers, and so on are appreciated. On the cheerier side of things, my wife and I just had our 6th wedding anniversary! I'm very blessed to have had her presence in my life and hope to make that six years ten times as long.
Now onto book news.
WRAITH KNIGHT's paperback version is technically out now, I say technically because I've been told there's been a delay but only until the 18th. The ebook version is also completed but hasn't been posted despite having my copy so hopefully that will be resolved. Also, we haven't gotten the audiobook finished yet either.
They're all coming, though, and it's been a big transition from Ragnarok Publications being an indie publisher to one which is available in book stores, Growing pains and all that. Please have patience as my wife has reminded for me to as well. This is a book I can honestly say is worth it.
People who have been worried my other projects will be taking away from the SUPERVILLAINY SAGA do not have to worry as I'm about 1/3rd of the way through THE SCIENCE OF SUPERVILLAINY and am doing it for NanoWriMon. You can follow my rather faint progress on my website here. I'm shooting for a March 2017 release for the book with a simultaneous audiobook release.
I've already got THE TOWER OF ZHAAL (Cthulhu Armageddon 2#) submitted to Crossroad Press and they're editing it by hand. While most of my books are set for being trilogies, I'm really of the mind the Cthulhu Armageddon series and Supervillainy Saga will be my two ongoing works.
Also, I'd like to apologize for a fact which numerous readers have pointed out that I accidentally had "clips" instead of "Magazines" for pistols. This is apparently one of the single most commonly misused things in fiction and RL for causal gun users and is akin to Dan Brown calling the immortal painter "Davinchi" instead of "Leonardo."
Also, using squad and squadron interchangeably. Now I could do some B.S. about how Derek in Esoterrorism is just being a jackass or the Red Room has its own terminology but that'd be silly. Sorry guys. I'll be better next time.
Have a great Thanksgiving folks.