Keep Your Crowbar Handy review
It's like The Real World meets The Walking Dead. If this combination intrigues you, you should definitely check out this novel. If it sends you screaming in the other direction, then you should...
View ArticleBatman: Arkham Origins: Cold, Cold Heart review
Batman: Arkham Origins and its first major DLC have something in common. They're derivative of much better stories and an attempt to cash-in on them. My review of Origins here talks about how it...
View ArticleBatman: Assault on Arkham review
I confess, I never expected to see an R-rated DC comics cartoon in my lifetime. Now, I'm sure they don't rate Assault on Arkham"R" specifically but instead has a PG-13 one. Which is ridiculous...
View ArticleWorld of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King review
Arthas. The Lich King of Azeroth. It's difficult to really convey the story of Arthas to anyone who hasn't played Warcraft III: Realm of Chaos and its expansion The Frozen Throne. I may...
View ArticleWorld of Warcraft: War Crimes review
This is a World of Warcraft courtroom drama. It's played entirely serious. Now, either this is awesome and hilarious at once or it's suspension of disbelief breaking. I lean more toward the...
View ArticleExclusive interview with S.P. Durnin
Hey readers, An extra-special treat for you today! S.P. Durnin, author of Keep Your Crowbar Handy, has decided to sit down for an interview with us. A devoted fan of the post-apocalyptic genre, I was...
View ArticleOne Stop Apocalypse Shop Kickstarter
Now this looks interesting. One Stop Apocalypse Shop KickstarterI've donated to approximately two Kickstarters before in my lifetime. One was a charity for an Exalted developer and the other was for...
View ArticleWorld of Warcraft: Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde review
What does one do when one survives an assassination attempt by your leader, one who has proven willing to do anything to accumulate power and may use your species as cannon fodder in genocidal wars...
View ArticleWill the Warcraft movie be good or bad?
It's interesting that the Warcraft movie has finished filming but, despite my attempts to find out information, it's passed almost completely under the radar of the circles I run in. This could...
View ArticleThe Dresden Files: Grave Peril review
Grave Peril is, really, where the Dresden Files started to find their footing. This isn't to say the previous volumes were bad but much of the series' trademarks start appearing here. We get the...
View ArticleBlood Red review
Blood Red is a really good novel. It's not without it's flaws but I'm going to say that for a premise which might have been very-very derivative, it does something new with the material. It also...
View ArticleIn the End review
Ghost stories are something I've always felt were a double-edged sword. After all, while they can produce some truly scary situations, there's always the implicit understanding that an afterlife of...
View ArticleExclusive interview with Jason Bovberg
Hey folks,We have another special treat for our fans today with Jason Bovberg, author of Blood Red (reviewed here).Blood Red is the story of a young woman trapped in her Colorado hometown after a mass...
View ArticleAutumn Moon review
Autumn Moon is one of the best werewolf novels I've ever read and is a cut above the vast majority of horror fiction I've been forced to subject myself to this year (with rare gems like some of the...
View ArticleWorld of Warcraft: Starter Edition review
I recently had to replace my laptop due to an accident with one of the keys and a fortuitous replacement policy which allowed me to upgrade. I'd never had a good enough computer to become a serious...
View ArticleSundowners review
Growing up in the absolute Northern-most part of Kentucky, I can still safely say I grew up in the South. Speaking as a Southerner, something Northerners need to understand is the South is...
View ArticleWorld of Warcrat: Paragons review
World of Warcraft is, without a doubt, a massive setting. One of the largest in the history of the world one might argue and up there with role-playing game worlds like the Forgotten Realms or...
View ArticleExclusive interview with Slade Grayson!
Hey folks, It's interview time again and we've got a special guest, today, from the new master of werewolves. As depicted here, I found Autumn Moon to be one of the freshest werewolf novels I've...
View ArticleThe Breadwinner: Haven review
The Breadwinner Trilogy is a self-published trilogy of novels which is getting reprinted up by Permuted Press. It's an interesting phenomenon of the indie scene that, increasingly, publishers are...
View ArticleWorld of Warcraft: Wolfheart review
I like Richard A. Knaak's writing. This is something which often puts me at odds with myself because the two of us approach World of Warcraft very well. For one, he's a professional writer for it...
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