Origins of a D-List Supervillain review
Confessions of a D-List Supervillain is one of the first novels I reviewed here on the United Federation of Charles (here). It's the story of Cal Stringel a.k.a Mechani-Cal, who goes on to save the...
View ArticleTales from the Borderlands: Episode 1: Zer0 Sum review
"I shall name my firstborn child, Loader-Bot." Okay, that was just ****ing awesome. No, seriously, this is probably the best Telltale game yet and I think The Walking Dead is the best video...
View ArticleSmall Town Heroes review
Wearing the Cape is one of my favorite Capepunk series. No, scratch that, it's my favorite Capepunk series period. What is Capepunk you may ask? They are prose-based superhero stories about the...
View ArticleExclusive Interview with Naomi Clark!
Hey folks,We have a real special treat for you today and that is an interview with Naomi Clark, author of the the Ethan Banning series! She's been gracious enough to sit here down with the United...
View ArticleExcerpt from Death Knight Manuscript
Here's an excerpt from my current project. It's just the Foreword but I thought it was terribly clever. Death Knight is my current manuscript project alongside Rules of Supervillainy, The Red Room, and...
View ArticleGame of Thrones: Episode 1: Iron from Ice review
I am a huge A Song of Ice and Fire fan. I love the books, I love the show, and I love all the spin-off media except for the 2012 video game. So, I was tremendously excited at the prospect of a...
View ArticleThe Heresy Within review
People have a very strange view of fantasy. The vast majority of people have a blind spot in their understanding of the genre. They think it started with mythology, moved on to King Arthur and...
View ArticleThe Dresden Files: Summer Knight review
Summer Knight is where I think The Dresden Files really took off, at least for me. It's a story which moves away, slightly, from the private detective genre and more into the realm of "high fantasy...
View ArticleTime of Death: Asylum review
I've mentioned what a big fan I am of Shana Festa's signature series. Time of Death: Induction was exactly the sort of breath of fresh-air I needed after a series of increasingly dreary and grim...
View ArticleThe Walking Dead: Season 2 review
I've already reviewed the entirety of the season by each individual episode, which are available here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. However, because I enjoyed it, I'm going to...
View ArticleThe Dresden Files: Death Masks review
If Summer Knight was the first "real" book in the series then Death Masks is the book which revealed it wasn't a fluke. Summer Knight told an excellent story about fairies, world-building,...
View ArticleWhat Zombies Fear: The Incarnation review
The explosive climax to the What Zombies Fear series is the end of an age. In a very real way, these books had an impact on the whole of the literary zombie genre. Nowhere near that of World War Z,...
View ArticleDragon Age: Inquisition review
*Warning - this review contains mild spoilers for the prologue of the game* I picked this one up for my birthday and have been more or less playing it non-stop for a week. I'm still not done...
View ArticleGuardians of the Galaxy review
I'm going to make a confession, I didn't watch this movie until recently. I've never been a big fan of the Marvel Space Universe. The only exceptions I make for their space stories are the X-men...
View ArticleShadow of Mordor review
Tolkien is pretty much ungameable. This is an irony given stuff derived from J.R.R Tolkien is directly responsible for Dungeons and Dragons, which is responsible for more or less all RPGs...
View ArticleThe Name of the Wind review
It's rare I get to read a really good fantasy novel. I've not lost interest in fantasy, far from it, but it takes quite a bit of originality to interest me. There's exceptions: The Lies of Locke...
View ArticleSkinjumper review
Skinjumper is a hard book to review as it exists on the edge between a horror novel and a black comedy. It is a transgressive work, pushing buttons and boundaries in order to make an impression on...
View ArticleMy books for 2015
Hey guys,I wanted to let you know I have a new schedule for 2015 thanks to the whole big Permuted Press meltdown and my subsequent getting picked up by other publishers. It was for the best, really,...
View ArticleThe Forty-First Wink review
The Forty-First Wink is a novel which would make an excellent Terry Gilliam movie. It doesn't have that deep psychological edge or dream-logic which makes things like Brazil so appealing but...
View ArticleWise Man's Fear review
The sequel to The Name of the Wind is a huge, containing almost a thousand pages of world-building and story. The Name of the Wind was a sleeper hit, winning the favor of countless readers and...
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