The Wheel of Time: The Shadow Rising review
The Shadow Rising is the fourth novel in the Wheel of Time series, following the events of the climatic third book which has seemingly killed the Dark One's strongest Forsaken as well as resulted...
View ArticleThe Blood War Trilogy: Embers of an Age
The Blood War Trilogy is a grimdark epic fantasy series by Tim Marquitz (Demon Squad, Dirge), which follows the events of a multi-faction war which is sparked by the sudden acquistion of numerous...
View ArticleFallout 3 review
"War...war never changes." With the news Fallout 3 is going to be included with Fallout 4, it seemed the perfect time to review this grimdark post-apocalyptic science-fiction classic. I should...
View ArticleThe Blood War Trilogy: Requiem review
I was a big fan of Tim Marquitz's Dawn of War (reviewed here) and its follow-up Embers of an Age (reviewedhere). The premise of the books is a Deconstruction of the traditional bloodless epic...
View ArticleGame Of Thrones: Episode Five: A Nest of Vipers review
The penultimate episode of Telltale's adaptation of the Game of Thrones series is the shortest one released by Telltale, clocking in at about an hour and a half rather than the usual two hours. I...
View ArticleWhat is Grimdark?
Grimdark is in the eye of the beholder.No, not that kind of beholder. On a more simpler term, grimdark is a term which was initially bandied about by the gaming community of science-fiction and...
View ArticleBaptism of Fire review
Baptism of Fire is the fifth book in The Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski. A big fan of the series, I've enjoyed the previous novels and reviewed them here on my blog (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3,...
View ArticlePrince of Thorns review
Children are cruel. This is an undeniable fact for anyone who has spent more than a few minutes with them. The whole idea of the young being innocent is a polite fiction of those who I, assume,...
View ArticleRotting to the Core review
Rotting to the Core is the sequel to S.P. Durnin's hilariously sexy post-apocalypse zombie novel, Keep Your Crowbar Handy. It followed Jake, his girlfriend Laura, Laura's best friend Kat, and a...
View ArticleGrimdark Magazine issue 4# review
I've mentioned my fondness for Grimdark Magazine in previous articles for the United Federation of Charles. It's a delightful fanzine which contains articles, interviews, reviews, excepts, and...
View ArticleDemon Squad: Beyond the Veil review
Whether you like Beyond the Veil can be summarized by a single sentence : do you, the reader, find the idea of a Clint Eastwood-looking Jesus fighting aliens with the Devil's Son, and Longinus on a...
View ArticleDemon Squad: The Best of Enemies review
I've mentioned how much I love the Demon Squad books and this is a series which I intend to continue following until either Tim Marquitz starts writing them or I realize poor Frank is never going...
View ArticleWatch_Dogs review
Watch_Dogs is a heavily panned game in some circles while fiercely defended in others. It's a game I avoided because of accusations of a flat main character, sexism, cliched storytelling, and about...
View ArticleESOTERRORISM is now available in paperback form
I'm pleased to say that ESOTERRORISM is now available in paperback form for its fans to read. It's been a long wait but now you, too, can pick up a copy of Derek Hawthorne's adventures in physical form...
View ArticleThe Subversiveness of Aiden Pearce
Warning - this review will contain spoilers for the storyline of Watch_Dogs. Aiden Pearce is a controversial character from Ubisoft Entertainment. As the protagonist of Watch_Dogs, he has been...
View ArticleThe Blade Itself review
The Blade Itself is the first volume of the First Law Trilogy, a collection of low fantasy novels which helped bring the concept of grimdark to mainstream attention. While very few authors...
View ArticleDemon Squad: Exit Wounds review
The Demon Squad series by Tim Marquitz is a series following the adventures of the Devil's Nephew (later revealed to be his son), Frank Trigg. Set in a world which God and the Devil have abandoned...
View ArticleInterview with CT Phipps (me) on Contagious Reads
I'm pleased to say the good folk at Contagious Reads were kind enough to interview me for their website. They asked a lot of fun questions and I had a blast answering them. Please check it out when you...
View ArticleDemon Squad: Collateral Damage review
Collateral Damage is the eighth novel of the long-running Demon Squad series by Tim Marquitz. The series follows the adventures of Frank Trigg, the Devil's Nephew (later revealed to be his son)....
View Article"Is Dark Urban Fantasy a Genre?" - an essay by me
Urban Fantasy Investigations was kind enough to do an article with me called, "Is Dark Urban Fantasy a genre?" Which is my analysis of whether or not Urban Fantasy has gotten to the point it can be...
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