Alien 3 review
Alien 3 is a difficult movie for me to review. It's, on its own, an extremely well-done horror film. David Fincher (Gone Girl, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) managed to take an extremely troubled...
View ArticleUndead L.A. volume 2 review
The Undead L.A. series by Devan Sagliani is a series based around telling stories about the final days of Los Angeles citizens during the zombie apocalypse. Each story chronicles the events of...
View ArticleAlien: Resurrection review
Alien: Resurrection is a difficult movie to review. Not for the reasons Alien 3 was, in that it was a good movie with several off-putting plot elements, but the fact it's a bad movie. However,...
View ArticleThe Rising Dead review
I've mentioned how big of a fan I am of Devan Sagliani's work. As the author of Zombies Attack!, Undead L.A., and Saint Death, he's developed quite the collection of horror stories which are...
Well, folks, things are going well in the Phipps household. Kat is almost over her flu (which I gave her, sorry) and my father is better than he's been in months.Which is sad because it's due to...
View ArticleJurassic Park: The Game review
It's interesting to see the transitional step from Telltale's early efforts (Jurassic Park, Back to the Future) to their mature efforts (The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Tales from the...
View ArticlePrometheus review
I was considering reviewing Aliens: Colonial Marines to finish off Alien week (which is more like Aliens two-weeks but hey, it's a blog I do for fun) but having purchased it, I determined it is one...
View ArticleAn interview with me by the Fantastical Librarian
I had a great interview with the Fantastical Librarianand thought I would share its contents with my fans. I hope everyone will go to her website and check it out.Here's a sample:Let’s start with the...
View Article"Beam Sabers, Giant Robots, and Child Pilots"
One of the most anticipated books coming out from Ragnarok Publication this year is Mecha: Age of Steel which is the spiritual successor to their Kaiju: Age of Monsters anthology. In the Kaiju...
View ArticleSpawn of the Winds review
Well, the submission of my novel, Cthulhu Armageddon for publication has put me in a mood to finish off the Titus Crow series by Brian Lumley. I enjoyed The Burrowers Beneath, The Transition of...
View ArticleDreams of Ivory and Gold review
Dreams of Ivory and Gold is a religious horror/paranormal thriller by Kirk Dougal and published by Ragnarok Publications. It's a bit outside of my wheelhouse but I heard a lot of recommendations...
View ArticleTuskers II: Day of the Long Pig review
The porkalypse continues with this hammy sequel to a the hog-fueled pig out of Man vs. Javelina action in the original Tuskers. If I was going to hear the basis for a series of horror novels by the...
View ArticleTo Beat the Devil review
Before we begin, I should let it be known I wrote the Foreword for this book because I helped "discover" M.K. Gibson and directed him to Amber Cove Publishing. I read To Beat the Devil in its...
View ArticleGreat GAMES OF SUPERVILLAINY review by The Bookie Monster
Hey guys,The good folks at THE BOOKIE MONSTER have decided to do a review of my book THE GAMES OF SUPERVILLAINY and I couldn't be more pleased with their review.Laughter is guaranteed and occasionally...
View ArticleInterview with M.K. Gibson, author of TO BEAT THE DEVIL
Hey folks, I have a real treat for you here today with the author of TO BEAT THE DEVIL, first book in the TECHNOMANCER series by M.K. Gibson. Michael is an author I really believe in because he first...
View ArticleGrimdark Magazine 7# is out!
Hey folks,We've got the latest issue of GRIMDARK MAGAZINE coming out today with articles by moi among them including a review of FALLOUT 4 as well as "Is the First Law Trilogy the Anti-Lord of the...
View ArticleIn the Moons of Borea review
Brian Lumley's Titus Crow series are a series from the 1970s which follow the adventure of a trio of Pulp adventurers (Titus Crow, Henri de Marginy, and Hank Silberhutte) as they deal with the...
View ArticleSuperman v Batman: Dawn of Justice review
Warning - Long Rant ahead about the nature of Superman and Batman. Also, minor spoilers. It's always the job of the critic to be true to his actual feelings on a movie even if they're going to be...
View ArticleElysia review
Brian Lumley's Titus Crow series is one of the first novels I started reviewing here on the United Federation of Charles and with Elysia I finished up the Seventies fantasy/horror/sci-fi series. It...
View ArticleEvery Kingdom Divided review
I'm not usually a standalone novelist sort of fellow but a friend of mine asked me who I thought was the best standalone novelist I read in independent fiction. I was like, "That's a pretty loaded...
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