Cthulhu Armageddon cover revealed!
"Under an alien sky where gods of eldritch matter rule, the only truth is revenge." CTHULHU ARMAGEDDON is the story of a world 100 years past the rise of the Old Ones which has been reduced to a giant...
View ArticleThe Killing Joke (animated movie) review
Warning - This will contain spoilers for both the graphic novel and the animated movie. So yeah, this was a thing. Not a good one either. Should you see it? Eh, probably not, unless you enjoy epic...
View ArticleA Vampirella Retrospective
Yes, that's Frank Frazetta art. Vampirella is a character with an interesting backstory both in-universe and behind-the-scenes. Arguably, her behind-the-scenes story is more interesting than the...
View ArticleVampirella: Crown of Worms review
Crown of Worms is the first attempt by Dynamite to introduce the character to modern audiences in 2010. It's not the most current Vampirella (Hollywood Horror) adaptation, which I've read and will...
View ArticleStar Wars: Aftermath: Life Debt review
I wasn't a big fan of Chuck Wendig's Aftermath novel. I really wanted to know what the situation was after the Battle of Endor but it seemed focused, instead, on a ragtag band of misfits trying to...
View ArticleAt Grave's End (Night Huntress 3#) review
The Cat and Bones series (also known as the Night Huntress series) is basically a thoroughly R-rated Buffy with the beautiful redheaded vampire slayer hooked up with her 200-year-old British...
View ArticleVampirella: Hollywood Horror review
This is a premature review of the graphic novel since it won't be out until November 2016 but I've purchased all six of the issues which are to be collected into it and thought it'd be a good idea...
View ArticleSuicide Squad (2016 movie) review
Underwhelming, Arkham City knock-off. Alternatively, someone attempting to do Guardians of the Galaxy and ending up with bad Avengers fanfiction. It's a sad day when I, who has defended the DC...
View ArticleThe Man with the Golden Torc review
Simon R. Green and I have a special connection. Well, no, actually we don't but it's weird how he seems to write the books I want to write and always has ideas I thought I came up with first....
View ArticleFallout 4: Far Harbor review
All Hail Atom! Atom is life! For when he is split, he unleashes immense power in every direction for which has created this irradiated world! *Ahem* Sorry, I got the opportunity to join the...
View ArticleSTRAIGHT OUTTA FANGTON is now available on Kindle
Hey folks,Great news! I didn't expect it to be released so soon but Crossroad Press (and specifically, it's Macabre Ink division) has released STRAIGHT OUTTA FANGTON this week. STRAIGHT OUTTA FANGTON...
View ArticleAn exclusive interview with Timothy C. Ward
Hey readers, we have a special treat today with author Timothy C. Ward of the Sand Divers series as well as the new Godsknife: Revolt. I reviewed his Scavenger: Evolution book on this site and really...
View ArticleCthulhu Armageddon is now available for purchase on Kindle!
Hey guys,I have to thank the fine folk at Crossroad Press because they are absolute machines in getting things out in a speedy manner. Not only did they get out STRAIGHT OUTTA FANGTON in record time...
View ArticleInterview with Matthew Dawkins, Onyx Path Publishing writer II
Hey folks,I've mentioned a few times that I'm a huge fan of Vampire: The Masquerade, a tabletop roleplaying game which effectively dominated my teenage years. Recently, the developers at Onyx Path...
View ArticleCrossroad Press welcomes me and my books
In what is almost certainly the first (and very possibly last) time I'll be headlining an article also announcing a Stargate-SG1 novel, Crossroad Press announced the release of STRAIGHT OUTTA FANGTON...
View ArticleDead West Omnibus vol. 1 review
The Weird Weird West. You know, it's kind of strange but the Pirates of the Caribbean movies successfully grafted ghost stories and pirates together into a massive franchise but the Weird Western...
View ArticleHallowed Ground review
It's basically Needful Things in the Wild West. That's the short review of this book by David Niall Wilson and Steven Savile. The book's premise is a mysterious traveler comes to a sleepy little...
View ArticleIbenus review
Seth Skorkowsky is one of the most promising fantasy writers I've read in the past decade. He has managed to create top quality urban fantasy in the Valducan series and exceeded that in the Tales...
View ArticleCthulhu Attacks!: The Fear review
Dammit, Sean, I wanted to destroy the world first. This peculiar opening to this review is a disclaimer as I know Sean Hoade personally. He's a great guy and the two of us had an interesting...
View ArticleDestined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress 4#) review
I've expressed my love for the Night Huntress series and I will continue to do so. While Anita Blake was the original R-Rated Buffy (before it became porn), Night Huntress nicely fills out that...
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