Is Starcraft grimdark?: Darker than expected RTS storytelling
This essay will contain spoilers for Starcraft, Brood War, and Starcraft II. Already, I can hear some of you sniggering in the background. Starcraft? Grimdark? We're talking about Blizzard's other...
View ArticleThe (Sort of) Dark Mage by
THE (SORT OF) DARK MAGE is a fantasy parody about an evil wizard (not really) who is the last remaining member of the Corpselover lineage. Basically like the Malfoys back in a time when magic meant...
View ArticleJUNE 2017 update on my writing
A heads' up on where I'm related to on my various projects:THE KINGDOM OF SUPERVILLAINY: I am at 22K writing this, which is a lot more impressive than it sounds as I haven't "officially" started...
View ArticleLUCIFER'S WORLD cover completed
I've got great news, folks! Alex Raspad, who is an amazing artist, has done a third cover for my LUCIFER'S STAR series. Here's a depiction of the third book in the series that I've already got plotted...
View ArticleThe Oncoming Storm by Christopher G. Nutall review
THE ONCOMING STORM is the first book of the ANGEL IN THE WHIRLWIND series, which I admit seems to be a little wordy for a series title. Especially since there's nothing wrong with calling the...
View ArticleThe Grimdark Reading List by C.T. Phipps
A lot of people want to know what grimdark is and I wrote an entire essay on the subject (What is Grimdark?) discussing the subject. However, grimdark is like Shakespeare in that it is something...
View ArticleExclusive interview with Paul Lavender, author of The Eighth God
1. So what is the premise of your book?I’m going to try without giving to much away! Five thousand years before The Eighth God begins seven elven soldiers are given divine powers by the elven gods at...
View ArticleWRAITH LORD sketch revealed
Now that I finally have the rights back for Wraith Knight, I've decided to release the second book in the series. Here's the sketch for the second cover by Alex Raspad. I really love it and we'll be...
View ArticleOrconomics review
Warning - This contains spoilers for Orconomics. ORCONOMICS is a story about how horrifying your typical Dungeons and Dragons or World of Warcraft economy would look like if it was taken at face...
View ArticleLeviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey review
Let it never be said that adaptations don't lead you to the source material. I was led to LEVIATHAN WAKES by the Expanse television series on the Syfy channel and, thus, had a bit of difficulty...
View ArticleTwin Peaks: Definitive Gold Box Edition review
I love Twin Peaks. It is a series which was a profound influence on Esoterrorism (and by consequence Agent G) and is still something that inspires my writing. The surrealism and off-beat humor...
View ArticleDarklands (Rhenwars Saga 3#) by M.L. Spencer
DARKLANDS is the third novel in the Rhenwars series that is sort of an inversion of the Wheel of Time. The story begins with the protagonists doing their absolute best to fight the various forces...
View ArticleWhere Loyalties Lie by Rob J. Hayes review
I was privileged enough to get a Advanced Reader's Copy of WHERE LOYALTIES LIE by Rob J. Hayes and feel like it'd be a good time to mention what I think of it well ahead of everyone else....
View ArticleThe Delirium Brief by Charles Stross review
THE DELIRIUM BRIEF is the latest book in the long-running Laundry Saga by Charles Stross. The Laundry, for those unaware of it, is one of the Neo-Mythos stories which have emerged in the past...
View ArticleDeadly Premonition: The Director's Cut review
DEADLY PREMONITION: THE DIRECTOR'S CUT is a game which is impossible to rate. No, seriously, it's a work of genius that's almost unplayable. The storyline is one of my favorites in video games but...
View ArticleThe Court of Broken Knives by Anna Smith Sparks review
THE COURT OF BROKEN KNIVES is a grimdark political fantasy novel. Specifically, it is one of those novels which follows in the Game of Thrones tradition of the back and forth between various...
View ArticleHard Luck Hank: Basketful of Crap by Steve Campbell
HARD LUCK HANK: BASKETFUL OF CRAP is the sequel to SCREW THE GALAXY and returns us to Belvaille Station, the worst place in the galaxy to live. In fact, the station is completely different from the...
View ArticleTwin Peaks FAQ: All That's Left to Know About a Place Both Wonderful and...
I'm a late comer to the TWIN PEAKS franchise since, well, I was twelve years old when the show was initially on the air and it wasn't until recently that I was able to watch it on Netflix....
View ArticleNew novel in the works!: I WAS A TEENAGED WEREDEER
Hey folks,I wanted to let my fans know I have a new work in process. I know I should be finishing up all of my existing IPs and not creating new ones but this one is harder than most to ignore. It's...
View ArticleHard Luck Hank: Prince of Suck by Steven Campbell review
The HARD LUCK HANK series is a very entertaining ride. It's basically a combination of a parody noir detective novel with a science fiction series. Hank is a professional thug and no matter how...
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