Kreative Joose: Review: An American Weredeer in Michigan by C.T. Phipps
Kreative Joose: Review: An American Weredeer in Michigan by C.T. P...: Life is not easy for the world's first weredeer detective. A simple hike turns into a media circus when Jane Doe, her best friend...
View ArticleThe Dresden Files: Brief Cases review
BRIEF CASES is the second collection of short stories by Jim Butcher. The first one, SIDE JOBS was one I tremendously enjoyed because it was a nice mixture of Harry Dresden stories as well as his...
View ArticleI WAS A TEENAGE WEREDEER on sale
Hey folks,Good news folks! If you haven't picked up a copy of I WAS A TEENAGE WEREDEER, it is on sale for 2.99 on Kindle for the next three weeks. From June 5th to June 23rd. Jane Doe is a weredeer,...
View ArticleDetroit: Become Human review
I've got mixed feelings toward David Cage's video games. I generally like that someone is creating adult based storytelling-focused adventure games. It's nice to have someone working to elevate the...
View ArticleTwin Peaks: A Limited Event Series review
This is a review which is a long time coming and I had a problem coming up with what I thought of the series as a whole. The ending felt unsatisfying to me in many ways, even frustrating, but I was...
View ArticleVampyr (2018) review
VAMPYR is the third game from DONTNOD entertainment, which had the somewhat missable (arguably forgettable) Remember Me and the video game classic LIFE IS STRANGE. It is a pseudo-Victorian...
View ArticleShe Dreams of Fire by M.K. Gibson
SHE DREAMS OF FIRE is probably my all time favorite novel from M.K. Gibson and that's impressive since I absolutely loved VILLAINS RULE and the TECHNOMANCER series. I think my reasons for liking it...
View ArticleAngels and the Bad Man (Technomancer 3#) by M.K. Gibson
THE TECHNOMANCER novels are one of my favorite indie reads with a peculiar combination of cyberpunk, urban fantasy, and Christian eschatology. The apocalypse had happened and God forgot to show up,...
View ArticleAbaddon's Gate (The Expanse #3) review
ABADDON'S GATE is the third volume of the Expanse and while it promises many new and interesting developments, isn't one I enjoyed as much as the previous installments. That's not to say the novel...
View ArticleLUCIFER'S STAR sale for $2.99 on Kindle
Hey folks,Good news from the wonderful folks at CROSSROAD PRESS. Lucifer's Star is the first of my dark space opera trilogy and is on sale for $2.99 this month.From the bestselling author of The Rules...
View ArticleCibola Burn (Expanse #4) review
CIBOLA BURN is the fourth novel of the Expanse series which I've very much enjoyed even if I've stated my preference for the TV adaptation. The Expanse's premise is it's about two hundred years in...
View ArticleEldrtich Ops is now available on Kindle
Finally, the sequel to ESOTERRORISM is now available! Derek Hawthorne has ascended to become a member of the all-powerful Committee, which rules the world through the nebulous House. The House,...
View ArticleSon of a Liche review
SON OF A LICHE is the sequel to the Dark Profit Saga's first book, ORCONOMICS. The premise of the series is that Dungeons and Dragons is how the world is set up. Adventurers go into dungeons, grab...
View ArticleBATTLEFRONT 2 (2017) review
This is an extremely late review because the game had a kind of radioactive reputation due to its controversy. For those unaware of it, basically the game was deliberately designed around...
View ArticleNemesis Games (Expanse #5) review
NEMESIS GAMES is the fifth book in the Expanse series, which is about humanity 200 years in the future when we've managed to colonize the rest of the solar system. Humanity is divided into...
View ArticleDestiny (2014) review
DESTINY is a game which I avoided until now because I had heard a lot of bad things about it. Also, for the very stupid reason that I really-really loved Halo and had an irrational dislike of the...
View ArticleLucifer's Nebula is now available on audiobook!
LUCIFER'S NEBULA, sequel to LUCIFER'S STAR, is now available on audiobook from Crossroad Press.From the best-selling author of The Rules of Supervillainy:Captain Cassius Mass can only run so far from...
View ArticleDeadpool 2 review
Ah, Deadpool, the character who totally didn't have anything to do with the creation of Gary Karkofsky a.ka. Merciless: The Supervillain without Mercy. I didn't remotely draw from him, Spiderman,...
View ArticleCT Phipps' 15 Tips for Indie Authors
1. Generally speaking, indie authors benefit most from networking. This is something that I've taken to heart and it's great to make friends with other authors and promote their books because they'll...
View ArticleStarcraft Remastered review
Starcraft is one of the greatest video games of all time. Okay, no it isn't. Well, maybe it is. I'm sure South Korea agrees it was/is. Starcraft is one of those games which has an amazingly good...
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