Resident Evil 2 (Remake) review
I am a huge Resident Evil fan. It is something that dominates my gaming love even though I am terrible at playing them. Seriously, I'm both a fraidy cat as well as terrible at puzzles as well as...
View ArticleKnives Out (2019) review
The mystery novel is something that has always had a rather large air of classicism to it, that I've often felt has been lost somewhat in imitation. Agatha Christie was a woman of means herself but...
View Article99c Bookbub deal for Agent G: Infiltrator
Hey folks,If you haven't checked out my AGENT G series, it's available for 99c this month from Bookbub. It is a contemporary cyberpunk series that follows the transformation of our world into a...
View ArticleHarley Quinn and the Birds of Prey review
HARLEY QUINN AND THE BIRDS OF PREY is the best movie I've watched this year aside from KNIVES OUT and that was on streaming. Mind you, it's only February and I think this film is far from flawless...
View ArticleThe Chicago Folios review
THE CHICAGO FOLIOS is one of two supplements successfully added as Kickstarter stretch goals for the wildly successful CHICAGO BY NIGHT 5E for VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE. Chicago by Night 5th Edition...
View ArticleCute but Fun Story
Waking up this morning at 7:30 due to the fact it could be anywhere from 8 AM to 12PM when I would receive my couch and chair, they arrived at the shockingly appropriate time of 9:00 AM with my...
View ArticleBehind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon review
This movie should have really been a bigger hit than it was. I am a huge slasher fan if you've ever checked out my many reviews on the subject and commentary but it's a genre that doesn't get much...
View ArticleEscape from Happydale: The Last Final Girl by Jack Quaid review
THE LAST FINAL GIRL: ESCAPE FROM HAPPYDALE is a homage to 80s slasher movies that I very much enjoyed. It is a quick, solid, and entertaining read that has an interesting (albeit unnecessary)...
View ArticleBook Announcement: Psycho Killers in Love
What if all the cheesy horror movies of the 1980s were based on true stories?William England knows that they are for a fact. His father, Billy the Undying, was one of the most notorious slashers of all...
View ArticleFinal Girls by Riley Sager review
FINAL GIRLS by Riley Sager is right up my wheelhouse since I am the kind of guy who read MEN, WOMEN, AND CHAINSAWS by Carol J. Clover for the intellectual stimulating discussion of the slasher...
View ArticleMy coronavirus story so far
Hey folks, I thought I'd give an insight into what's going on in my life while things are happening across the world. I'm self-isolating here in Ashland, Ky, which isn't that much different from the...
View ArticleThere's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins review
THERE'S SOMEONE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE by Stephanie Perkins is a weird combination from the beginning as it's a Young Adult slasher novel. I spent much of my childhood watching R-rated movies like...
View ArticleForeword to Psycho Killers: A Love Story
I love slashers. A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween are the ones most people know but I'm a fan of many more. I also love the parodies, deconstructions, and homages that...
View ArticleStar Trek: Picard season one review
Picard was a series that I was tremendously excited about. Like a lot of Trekkies my age, I grew up on the adventures of Captain Jean Luc Picard rather than Captain Kirk, Sisko, Janeway, or Archer....
View ArticleThe Division (video game) review
I'm preparing to do my second update of my corona virus self-quarantine journal but thought I'd take a time to talk about my experience playing through The Division games by Ubisoft. They are a...
View ArticleAn analysis of Anarchs in Vampire: The Masquerade
Vampire: The Masquerade is one of the top three most successful tabletop roleplaying games of all time with its only rivals being Dungeons and Dragons as well as Call of Cthulhu. It has been...
View ArticleResident Evil 3 (Remake) review
I feel like I've missed the boat on being part of Resident Evil 3's remake reviews. While I normally don't pay much attention to those sorts of things, I was a pre-order and really sunk my teeth...
View ArticleAssassination Protocol by Andy Peloquin
ASSASSINATION PROTOCOL: A MILITARY SPACE OPERA THRILLER is a bit of a mouthfull as a title. I think the author could have cut it down to Assassination Protocol or even Cerberus: Assassination...
View ArticleMy coronavirus story so far part 2 (4/25/20)
Month 1#Month 2#Hey folks, I thought I would give yet another update on my self in our second month of lockdown as April reaches its conclusion. While I always knew, intellectually, that this was...
View ArticleTen tips to playing Anarchs in Vampire: The Masquerade
Anarchs are my favorite faction in Vampire: The Masquerade. They are the rabble, the street gangs, and the revolutionaries of the Kindred world. While the Sabbat cling to occult mysteries and the...
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