Blood Riders by Michael P. Spradlin review
    BLOOD RIDERS by Michael P. Spradlin is one of the rare books that I am very upset is a one and done. Published in 2012, I'm pretty sure that there's not going to be a sequel but this is a work I...
View ArticleDeadlands: Horror at Headstone Hill review
    HORROR AT HEADSTONE HILL is a 131 page sandbox campaign for DEADLANDS: THE WEIRD WEST. It is an interesting variant on the previous plot point campaigns because while the ones for Reloaded were...
View Article3:33 AM by Luke Hindmarsh review
    3:33 AM is a book by Luke Hindmarsh, an author that I was greatly impressed by when he made his debut with MERCURY'S SON. That was a cyberpunk dystopian science fiction novel so I was curious what...
View ArticleAnother 52 Deadlands plot hooks
DeadlandsArticles1. 52 Adventure Hooks2. Another 52 Adventure HooksThe first one of these was so popular I decided to do a second one. Basically, 52 plot hooks for the Deadlands tabletop role-playing...
View ArticleWorldbuilding #5: Cthulhu Armageddon
Worldbuilding Posts1. The Supervillainy Verse2. The Lucifer's Star Universe3. The United States of Monsters  4. The Rules of Vampires5. Cthulhu Armageddon VerseHow Cthulhu Armageddon came to beCthulhu...
View Article6/6/2021 Writing Update
Hey folks,It's time again for an update about what exactly I'm currently working on and thought you guys would appreciate an update. We've got plenty going on and quite a lot of it good. So, here's...
View ArticleDead Acre by Rhett Bruno, Jaime Castle, and Roger Clark review
   DEAD ACRE is an audiobook is written by Rhett Bruno (The Roach) and Jaime Castle (Sidekick) while narrated by Roger Clark (Arthur Morgan, Red Dead Redemption 2). It's an exceptional pedigree as I...
View ArticleBulletproof Witch: Beginnings by F.J. Blair review
    BULLETPROOF WITCH: BEGINNINGS (Book 1-4) by Francis James Blair is a collection of the first four novels of the Bulletproof Witch series. I know, what a surprise. I really enjoyed this book...
View ArticleThe Six-Gun Tarot by R.S. Belcher Review
   SIX-GUN TAROT is a book that I wished I'd written, which is one of those praises that only writers get to throw out or would-be writers (or anybody) but it still has a lot of meaning. Basically, it...
View ArticleThe Bright Falls Mysteries Saga is now available!
Hey folks,I'm pleased to say that the BRIGHT FALLS MYSTERIES SAGA is now available. A collection of the three novels detailing the adventures of Jane Doe, shifter detective! Jane is one of my favorite...
View ArticleThe Shotgun Arcana by R.S. Belcher Book Review
   The SHOTGUN ARCANA by R.S. Belcher is the sequel to THE SIX-GUN TAROT that I very much enjoyed. It once more returns us to the town of Golgotha, Nevada where the town undertaker is a mad scientist...
View ArticleA Nightmare on Elk Street is now available on Audible!
Hey folks, I am very pleased to announce that the third and final BRIGHT FALLS MYSTERIES novel is now available for purchase in audiobook form! The adventures of Jane Doe have always been close to my...
View ArticleYou Can Be a Cyborg When You're Older by Richard Roberts review
   YOU CAN BE A CYBORG WHEN YOU'RE OLDER is a Young Adult affectionate parody of Eighties cyberpunk. It's an interesting twist, implementing a lot of tropes that only adult readers will get and not...
View ArticleCloudpunk review
   CLOUDPUNK is a game that I decided to pick up on a lark. I am a huge cyberpunk fan and never really can scratch that itch no matter how many times I try. Cyberpunk 2077 was something of a failure...
View ArticleGlass Rhapsody (The Songs of Sefate #2) by Sarah Chorn Book Review
   GLASS RHAPSODY is the second book for THE SONGS OF SEFATE series by Sarah Chorn. The original volume, OF HONEY AND WILDFIRES, was my pick for best fantasy book of 2021. No small praise since I read...
View ArticleThe Queen of Swords by R.S. Belcher review
   I am a huge fan of the Golgotha series by R.S. Belcher. I enjoyed both THE SIX-GUN TAROT and THE SHOTGUN ARCANA as I am a fan of Weird Westerns as well as genre mashups. A mixture of the Cthulhu...
View ArticleSynergia (video game) review
    I am a huge fan of cyberpunk as anyone who visits my webpage will note. Unfortunately, there's never been any definitive cyberpunk game (pushes away Deus Ex for undermining my argument). I think...
View ArticleReady Player Two by Ernest Cline review
   READY PLAYER ONE is a very interesting book in the fact that parts of it are the absolute worst of the previous book taken up to the eleven, other parts extremely entertaining, a few like...
View ArticleJuly-August 2020 Book Sale
Hey folks,It's coming to the end of July and we're going to do a sale on three of my book series that I think everyone who wants to expand their collection of my books should take advantage of. You...
View ArticleRed Dead Redemption 2 review
This article will contain spoilers for the game Red Dead Redemption 2 because why not?   RED DEAD REDEMPTION is a work that doesn't really need any further statements from me. It's widely considered...
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