The Matrix Resurrections review
THE MATRIX was never a movie that needed a sequel and the Wachowski sisters originally wanted to do a prequel that eventually became THE ANIMATRIX "Second Renaissance" shorts. Instead, we got the...
View ArticleShadow City (Tales of the Shadow City #1) by Anna Mocikat review
SHADOW CITY by Anna Mocikat is first volume of her TALES OF THE SHADOW CITY chronicles that is a genre busting post-apocalypse adventure story. I can't really think of any other novels like it with...
View ArticleWriting update - 01/01/2021
Space Academy Dropouts: COMPLETE: Edited and submitted to Crossroad Press. Basically, I signed a deal with Podium in hopes of expanding my audiobook audience (I love Crossroad Press don't get me wrong...
View ArticleWhen Gravity Fails (Marid Audran #1) by George Alec Effinger review
WHEN GRAVITY FAILS by George Alec Effinger is one of the seminal works of science fiction but, sadly, has fallen out of reading order for a lot of modern fans. Which is a sham because it does...
View ArticleSpace Academy Dropouts is now available!
Hey folks,I am very pleased to say that SPACE ACADEMY DROPOUTS is now available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. This is my first book available and KU and I'm interested to see if it pans out as that...
View ArticleDaughter of the Cyber Dragons available!
Hey folks, I am very pleased to announce DAUGHTER OF THE CYBER DRAGONS is available for purchase on February 10th, 2022! Like Space Academy Dropouts, it's going to be one of my rare novels available...
View ArticleCyberpunk 2077 1.5 Patch Update
I am genuinely surprised at the changes I've seen. * Apartment customization. I chose hot pink. * 4 new apartments to buy, two crappy ones and two very nice ones. * Completing a Fixer's quests gets...
View ArticleThe Complete Gail Simone Red Sonja review
Red Sonja is one of the most influential characters of fantasy literature, having hit like a bolt of lightning during her first appearance in the Conan: The Barbarian comics by Roy Thomas. Based on...
View ArticleThe Blind Spot by Michael Robertson review
THE BLIND SPOT by Michael Robertson is a cyberpunk political thriller, which is rare enough among the genre but particularly interesting here because the focus of the book isn't on the action or...
View ArticleResident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City review
RESIDENT EVIL is one of my all-time favorite video game franchises but it is also something that I can honestly say no one has ever experienced for their deep and meaningful plots. It's not that...
View ArticleThe Legend of Vox Machina season one review THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA is a twelve-episode animated fantasy series based around the first season of Critical Role’s expansive...
View ArticleBooks that made us: Dragonlance's Legends Trilogy
Link: One of the things some of my friends have been revealing is that a lot of us share the same books that made...
View ArticleLegends and Lattes: A novel of high fantasy and low stakes review
LEGENDS AND LATTES: A NOVEL OF HIGH FANTASY AND LOW STAKES is one of those books that comes like a storm out of the gates and pretty much receives universal praise, which is rare enough for an...
View ArticleSpae Academy Dropouts and Daughter of the Cyber Dragons are available for...
Hey folks,I am very pleased to say that SPACE ACADEMY DROPOUTS and DAUGHTER OF THE CYBER DRAGONS are now available for preorder on Audible. Daughter of the Cyber Dragons is available on April 5th and...
View ArticleBaldur's Gate retrospective
A Gateway Drug To the ImaginationEveryone has a book, movie, or video game that has a special place in their hearts. The actual medium doesn’t matter but the story or characters tantalized you enough...
View ArticleSpace Academy Dropouts and Daughter of the Cyber Dragons are now available!
Hey folks,I'm pleased to say that April is a red letter month for me as I have not one but two releases on audiobook! Yes, SPACE ACADEMY DROPOUTS (narrated by Jeffrey Kafer) and DAUGHTER OF THE CYBER...
View Article101 Dungeons and Dragons Lore Tidbits from My Game
Warning - May contain dice-rolling, fun, and SATAN. At least according to my church.We all create little libraries of random facts in our Dungeonmaster's notes over the years. By the time you're...
View ArticleTen Sigma: A Military Science Fiction Adventure by A.W. Wang review
TEN SIGMA: A MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURE is a dark psychosexual story of a woman recruited into a super soldier serum as an alternative to dying of cancer. Mary, later renamed Brin, hates...
View ArticleDangerous Games by Joseoh P. Laycock Book Review
"Never argue with an idiot. You'll never convince the idiot that you're correct, and bystanders won't be able to tell who's who." - Mark Twain This is a deeply frustrating book for me because I...
View ArticleThe Batman (2022) review
THE BATMAN is a movie I approached with some trepidation because while I am a die-hard caped crusader fan, I even watched the Keaton movie as the date movie I proposed to my wife during, I had some...
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