Tronick by Rosie Record review
TRONICK by Rosie Record is a cyberpunk novel that attracted me by its cover. They say you can't judge a book by its cover but I feel like the Claire Redfield-esque biker girl picture is full of...
View ArticleBattlefield: Hardline (2015) review
BATTLEFIELD: HARDLINE is apparently the redheaded stepchild of the Battlefield franchise. The franchise is primarily based on military shooting alongside driving tanks among a handful of other...
View ArticleWill Save the Galaxy for Food by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw review
WILL SAVE THE GALAXY FOR FOOD is a novel by Benjamin Richard “Yahtzee” Croshaw who does the Zero Punctuation video game reviews for The Escapist fanzine. This is one of the rare cases where I was...
View ArticleSpider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse review
SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE is the sequel to SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, by far the most successful of the Sony produced SPIDER-MEN movies after the original Toby Maguire movies. At...
View ArticleSupervillainy Saga Playlists
Gary Karkofsky AKA Merciless: The Supervillain without Mercy's Playlist1. "Holding out for A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler2. "Everybody wants to rule the World" by Tears for Fears3. "I Want it All" by Queen4....
View ArticleGetting Started in Superhero Fiction
I love me some superhero fiction. As much as I love comic books as a medium, I feel like superheroes tend to get to stretch their legs when they move beyond serialized sequential art. Part of this is...
View ArticleHow much should Vampire PCs and NPCs know?
V5 Chronicle Tips1. The Social Satire of Vampire: The Masquerade2. An analysis of Anarchs in Vampire: The Masquerade3. Ten Tips to Running the Anarchs in V5 4. Ten Tips to Running the Second...
View ArticleVillains' Vignettes volume 1 by Drew Hayes review
I am a huge fan of Drew Hayes’ writing, particularly his VILLAINS CODE series. As a fellow writer of superhero prose fiction, I have to bow to the master and admit his worlds are just plain...
View ArticleSecret Invasion (2023) review
SECRET INVASION by Marvel and Disney was the MCU project I was looking forward to most. Well, not quite, I think I was looking forward to Ms. Marvel and Hawkeye a bit more since I'm a huge fan of...
View ArticleThe Fall of Supervillainy is now out!
Hey folks,I have fantastic news that THE FALL OF SUPERVILLAINY is now out on Kindle! The ninth Supervillainy Saga book is now available on Kindle.Gary Karkofsky, a.k.a. Merciless: The Supervillain...
View ArticleMidnight Suns review
I was sitting in a hot tub with Captain Marvel, both of us in our bathing suits, as we discussed going on vacation together after we'd saved the world. My Hunter was troubled, though, because...
View ArticleThe Division: Hearts on Fire by KC Wayland
THE DIVISION: HEARTS ON FIRE is an audiobook drama produced by Ubisoft and Audible. It is written by KC Wayland and stars a cast including Katie Sackhoff (The Mandalorian, Battlestar Galactica) and...
View ArticleThe Division: Broken Dawn by Alexander C. Irving
THE DIVISION: BROKEN DAWN by Alexander C. Irving is a volume in the Ubisoft post-apocalypse action series, THE DIVISION. It is an intequel set between the events of the first two games. The premise...
View ArticleCyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence review
CYBERPUNK 2077: NO COINCIDENCE is the first novel set in the world of Mike Pondsmith’s Cyberpunk setting. As a huge fan of the tabletop game, I always dreamed of writing my own entry into the...
View ArticleTales of Nyarlathotep and Time Loopers now available
CTHULHU RELEASE DAY - TALES OF NYARLATHOTEP came out today, a collection of short stories and novellas about the Crawling Chaos AKA Black Pharoah AKA The Messenger of the Outer Gods. Also, TIME LOOPERS...
View ArticleCyberpunk 2077: Update 2.0 review
CYBERPUNK 2077 has been a rocky-rocky road since its release in December 2020. While it’s not exactly been three years, as of September 21st, 2023, it has recently received its largest update yet...
View ArticleMoon Cops on the Moon is now available for preorder (99c!)
Hey folks,I'm pleased to announce we have an upcoming release that will be on sale from the very beginning. MOON COPS ON THE MOON is my next humorous sci-fi series to go alongside SPACE ACADEMY...
View ArticleCyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty review
There’s also some “radiant quests” that pop up in the game as well with the option of stealing cars for El Capitain as well as raiding supply drops for the Barghests. These are the kind of quests...
View ArticleMarlowe (2022) review
MARLOWE (2022) is a movie that reminds me that we probably should have more Raymond Chandler adaptations. There's nothing that will probably ever match THE BIG SLEEP starring Humphrey Bogart and...
View ArticleRobocop: Rogue City review
ROBOCOP: ROGUE CITY is a first-person shooter developed by Teyon and published by Nacon. It also stars Peter Weller, the original Robocop, as the titular character. As the resident cyberpunk junkie...
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