Will Leave the Galaxy for Good by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw review
WILL LEAVE THE GALAXY FOR GOOD by Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw is the third and final installment of the Jack McKeown series. The series is about an out of work star pilot and his feud with the seemingly...
View ArticleReview - Silo: Season One
SILO is based on the similarly titled book series by Hugh Howey. After finishing FALLOUT, I was still in a post-apocalypse mood and didn’t want to deal with zombies, so I decided to check out this...
View ArticleThe Division: Recruited by Thomas Parrott review
THE DIVISION: RECRUITED is an expanded universe novel set in the universe of TOM CLANCY’S THE DIVISION by Ubisoft. The premise is the United States (and probably world) has been devastated by a...
View ArticleThe Division 2 review
The Division 2 has been out since 2019, so this review is a bit late but it’s an interesting time to take stock of a game at the end of its game life rather than the beginning. Ubisoft have been...
View ArticleThe Guy in the Corgi Shirt 1#: Fallout the Series
Exactly what the title says. I really enjoyed Fallout: The Series and here's a video where I discuss it with fellow post-apocalypse author Eric Malikyte. I think the two of us provide a pretty unique...
View ArticleTen Recommended New Cthulhu Mythos novels II
Howard Phillips Lovecraft remains one of the more controversial yet influential genre writers of the early 20th century. A man like his friend and contemporary, Robert E. Howard, who has stood the test...
View ArticleFallout: A Tale of Mutation review
FALLOUT: A TALE OF MUTATION by Erwan Lafleuriel is a book available on Kindle Unlimited that details the creation of the first four Fallout games (no real information on Fallout 76 or the series,...
View ArticleHammers on Bone by Cassandra Khaw review
HAMMERS ON BONE by Cassandra Khaw is a rare gem in what I’ve always felt should have been a larger genre: the Cthulhu Mythos detective novel. I’ve played a few video games with the premise like...
View ArticleThe Division: Compromised by Thomas Parrott
COMPROMISED is the second of the OPERATION: CROSSWORDS series for TOM CLANCY'S THE DIVISION franchise by Ubisoft. The premise for that series is that the Dollar Flu AKA The Green Poison has spread...
View ArticleShadows of Pnath by Josh Reynolds review
SHADOWS OF PNATH by Josh Reynolds is the second of the Countess Zorzi novels and part of the Arkham Horror series. The Arkham Horror series is a loose spin-off of CALL OF CTHULHU by Chaosium now...
View Article[Book Sale] Moon Cops on the Moon and Tales of the Al-Azif on sale for 99c
A pair of sales are ongoing for the last bit of Summer for those people who still want to pick up some of my lesser known works. MOON COPS ON THE MOON and TALES OF THE AL-AZIF (Books of Cthulhu #1) are...
View ArticleWorld of Darknss books re-released by Crossroad Press (May)
Crossroad Press has begun re-releasing the original White Wolf fiction produced in the Nineties. They re-released the Dark Age Clan Novels, Clan Novels, and Grail Covenant Trilogy a couple of years ago...
View ArticleVampire: The Masquerade: Clan Brujah Trilogy: Slave Ring by Tim Dedopulos review
Warning– This review of the novel about vampires and slavery will touch on slavery and sexual assault. SLAVE RING by Tim Dedopulos is the first book of the CLAN NOVEL TRILOGY: BRUJAH: series. This...
View ArticleCivil War (2024) review
CIVIL WAR (2024) by Alex Garland is a movie that a lot of people prejudged before they watched it. This is a tumultuous time in the United States of America, hardly the first time, but the prospect...
View ArticleCall of the Sea (2020) review
CALL OF THE SEA is an exploration based game that is perhaps appropriate to refer to as a “walking simulator” but that would be more of a pejorative than it deserves to be done so as. It’s similar...
View ArticleSong of Carcosa by Josh Reynolds review
SONG OF CARCOSA is the third of the Countess Zorzi series by Josh Reynolds. I’m a huge fan of these books and their Catwoman-esque protagonist. The Countess is a multi-dimensional protagonist who...
View ArticleIt's okay to like grimdark or "I am a Nineties Edgelord"
I am a Nineties Edgelord. This is something that I came to a recent realization about but was probably pretty obvious to everyone in my circles of fandom, review-dom, and authord-om for decades...
View ArticleAbigail (2024) review
ABIGAIL is a 2024 movie that, unfortunately, blows its chief surprise in the trailer and it is something that I can't imagine would be kept under wraps for the majority of audiences but would...
View ArticleHouse of the Dragon 2x1 "A Son for a Son" review
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2×1 “A Son for A Son” is the season premiere of the second season of House of the Dragon. While a big supporter of this series and a believer that it has done a lot to wipe the...
View Article101+ A Song of Ice and Fire RPG adventure hooks
1. The player characters are informed that an entire noble household has died out and they have been willed their keep, lands, and title. What is the cause? Plague? Feud? Murder? Just outrageous...
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