Feminism and Fantasy: The Women of Elden Ring
“Fantasy and Feminism” is going to be a series of articles that provides analysis of strong female characters and their role in stories that tend toward the grim as well as dark. A short analysis of...
View ArticleElfsong by Elain Cunningham review
ELFSONG is the second of Elaine Cunningham’s fantastic SONGS AND SWORDS series that was also part of the Harpers series (confused yet?). They’re a set of books which follow Harper Assassin (as in a...
View ArticleClan Novel: Ravnos by Kathleen Ryan review
CLAN NOVEL: RAVNOS is the eighth novel in the Clan Novel series for the Vampire: The Masquerade line of tabletop RPGs. I’ve been re-reading the series for the past couple of years and enjoying the...
View ArticleTwo new series on Kindle Unlimited
Hey folks,I'm pleased to announce that there's now two more series of mine available in Kindle Unlimited. The first of these is LORDS OF DRAGON KEEP, which is my new fantasy parody series. It is to the...
View ArticleLords of Dragon Keep excerpt
Hey folks, We’d thought you’d love to read a short chapter from the recently released LitRPG Lords of Dragon Keep by C.T. Phipps. A humorous tale of an ordinary man dumped into a world that is,...
View ArticleCity in the Dragon's Eye by Jordan Loyal Short review
CITY IN THE DRAGON’S EYE by Jordan Loyal Short is one of the best fantasy novels written in 2024 and like the author’s DREADBOUND ODE series or Richard Nell’s KINGS OF PARADISE, probably the best...
View ArticleSpace Academy Miscreants (Space Academy #4) now available for preorder!
NOW AVAILABLE FOR AUDIOBOOK PREORDER! SPACE ACADEMY MISCREANTS (Space Academy #4)“Captain’s log… we’re doomed.”Captain Vance Turbo of the E.S.S Ares has managed to save the entire universe and gotten...
View ArticleThe World of Critical Role by Liz Marsham review
THE WORLD OF CRITICAL ROLE is a nonfiction book that chronicles the creation of the Critical Role Twitch stream that has since exploded into a massively successful multimedia franchise that...
View ArticleLords of Dragon Keep is free from October 17-20
Book GiveawayHey folks,I am incredibly happy to share the news that LORDS OF DRAGON KEEP, the first book of the Dark Undermaster Saga is going to be free for the next three days (October 17th to...
View ArticleShadowrun: Never Deal with a Dragon by Robert N. Charrette review
NEVER DEAL WITH A DRAGON by Robert N. Charrette is the first Shadowrun novel and the first volume of the Secrets of Power trilogy. It is our first introduction to Shadowrun from the literary side...
View ArticleThe Books That Made Me - The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert...
*Fnord* You are reading a silly review *Fnord* This is a book trilogy that would mock me for saying that it helped shaped my political and social ideology as well as attitude about sex. This book...
View ArticleTen Curseborne reactions from a longtime WOD fan
Hey folks,I just finished my read through of Curseborne's manuscript and being the longtime fan(atic) of the World of Darkness I am, I thought I'd share ten thoughts as my initial reaction. Overall, I...
View ArticleBrighteyes, Book 2 of the Morgan Detective Agency, is now available!
Hey folks, I'm pleased to announce that BRIGHT EYES, the second MORGAN DETECTIVE AGENCY novel and 12th novel of the UNITED STATES OF MONSTERS series is now available on Kindle as well as paperback.The...
View Article101 Curseborne Adventure Hooks
1. The player characters are invited to a party being hosted by a Dead Elder that gradually degenerates to an orgiastic celebration. This would be fine for most Accursed if not for the fact it then...
View ArticleThe Penguin (2024) review
THE PENGUIN is a spinoff series from the well-received but not-gangbusters success of the Robert Pattinson 2022 THE BATMAN movie. I really liked that film for being the grittiest, most realistic...
View ArticleMy review of the Curseborne manuscript
I remember when I first bought a copy of Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition and that was my introduction to Onyx Path Publishing. I was late to the party by several years at that...
View ArticleSilent Hill 2 (2024) review
“Aren’t you…Maria?” SILENT HILL 2 has a reputation among horror games aficionados as one of the all-time greatest, if not THE all-time greatest horror games. This despite its somewhat clunky...
View ArticleExcerpt for The Rise of Supervillainy (Supervillainy Saga #10)
"Yeah, I need find out who those costumed teenagers who sucker punched me were," I said, still not sure what had happened. I'd been trying to pull survivors from the wreckage when I'd been hit by a...
View ArticleJoker: Folie à Deux review
Is the Joker: Folie à Deux bad? Yes. Yes, it is. Is it a worthy follow up to the themes of Joker? No, not really. This is going to be a rather personal review but I've suffered...
View ArticleHow I'd reboot the Punisher
The Punisher has an image problem. Not the least because real life assholes have adopted his symbol to spread their hate. The thing is that these people have no right to the Punisher because plenty...
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