Day of the Doctor review
As a long-time Doctor Who fan, I have wanted to do a proper review of the series but, really, the jumping on point for that was years ago and requires a dedication to fandom which is difficult when...
View ArticleX-men: Days of Future Past review
The X-men franchise had, with the exception of The Wolverine, seemingly run its course by the time this movie was announced. X-men: The Last Stand was widely believed to have killed the franchise...
View ArticleStar Wars: Empire and Rebellion: Razor's Edge
*warning-lengthy rant ahead* Princess Leia has not gotten a novel until now. This is something which should irritate me and does, but it comes with the realization the Expanded Universe is...
View ArticleUpdate on writing
Hey guys,Been a long time since I did one of these so I thought I'd break out the good news first. I've got a three book urban fantasy contract for my Red Room series with Permuted Press. These follow...
View ArticleThe Dresden Files: Skin Game review
I've been a big fan of the Dresden Files since the original novel, Storm Front, came out way back in 2000. Which means, roughly, I've been a fan of the series for fourteen years. Jim Butcher's...
View ArticleMaleficent review
Maleficent is one of the many Wicked-inspired movies which attempt to re-invent an already-famous fairy tale into something new and different. Oz: The Great and Powerful was Disney's first attempt...
View ArticleDagon review
There's something to be said for B-movie horror, even if it's often designed to gross you out, titillate, and kill people (sadly most often women) in gruesome fashions. I'm not sure that something...
View ArticleBeyond Re-Animator review
Given I'm in a Lovecraftian mood, reading Charles Stross'The Apocalypse Codex and writing Cthulhu Apocalypse 2: With Strange Aeons, I decided to write up a review of yet another B-movie I'm quite...
View ArticleCthulhu (2007) review
B-movie Lovecraft week continues with the 2007 Cthulhu movie. This puts the in independent, specifically Innsmouth as it's yet another adaptation of The Shadow over Innsmouth. We'll see a third one...
View ArticleThe Apocalypse Codex review
The Apocalypse Codex is the fourth novel in the projected nine-book The Laundry series by Charles Stross. This doesn't include the novels and short-stories which he has been prone to writing and I...
View ArticleIn the Mouth of Madness review
"Do you read Sutter Cane?" This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite horror movies of all time. It's a cerebral kind of horror that doesn't get too lost up its own backside. I also think it's...
View ArticleThe Litany of Earth review
The Litany of Earth is a short novella, roughly 32 pages, depicting the life of Aphra Marsh. Aphra Marsh is an unusual protagonist as she is a Deep One hybrid and trying to make a normal life for...
View ArticleRe-Animator review
Finishing up Lovecraft week, unless I decide to review some more Cthulhu Mythos-related movies (it's my blog after all), is the original Re-Animator movie by Stuart Gordon. I mentioned my opinions...
View ArticleCall of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth review
Is it better to do a bad game or a really good game that disappoints by becoming bad? This is the central matters crux when reviewing Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth which isn't a good...
View ArticleSad Wings of Destiny review
Sad Wings of Destiny is that rare thing from Permuted Press, primarily known for its post-apocalyptic and/or zombie affair--a capepunk novel. Capepunk is, for those who are unaware of that term,...
View ArticleDead Tide review
Saint Petersburg, FL is filled with hungry soulless monsters. Also, zombies. This isn't just me being flippant. Dead Tide is one of those uncommon, if not rare, zombie books which remembers the...
View ArticleEdge of Tomorrow review
Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers. That premise makes Edge of Tomorrow sound so much cooler than it is. I'm usually all over military science-fiction, especially when it's not endorsing...
View ArticleThe Real Ghostbusters: Collect Call of Cathulhu review
"Cathulhu? I've heard of him. He's bad, right?""He makes Gozer look like Little Mary Sunshine."- Winston and Egon I hadn't intended to review a single episode of a children's show from the 1980s...
View ArticleThe Burrowers Beneath review
Brian Lumley's Titus Crow is a series I owe an immense debt to. While Call of Cathulhu was the first Mythos-related fiction I was ever exposed to at the tender age of seven, it was Titus Crow I...
View ArticleCall of Cthulhu (2005) review
Yog-Sothoth bless the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. They are a quirky band of Old One worshipers and I have enjoyed a host of their strange doings. This includes Shoggoth on the Roof, their...
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