Hey folks,
As a longtime World of Darkness fan and writer for Crossroad Press, I am pleased to make an exciting announcement! Basically, in 2019, Crossroad Press and White Wolf/Paradox Interactive made a deal to re-release the Clan Novels, Dark Age Clan Novels, and Grail Covenant Trilogy as an experiment to see if there was a viable market for the tie-in fiction today. There certainly was and the books were re-released in paperback and ebook form across various platforms like Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble.
Well, it's taken a bit but the two companies have reached another agreement and there will now be a re-release of the entire back catalog of White Wolf's tie-in fiction! Everything from Dark Prince to the Time of Judgement novels! A lot of these novels had fallen out of print completely and weren't even available in PDF format on DriveThru RPG or other sites. Now they will be available in ebook and paperback format. Negotiations are also in the works for audiobook versions as well.
I take no small amount of pleasure in this because I had a role in making the initial introductions between the company and made the diabolical sacrifice to bring some of these books back to life. By which I mean I donated my entire White Wolf fiction collection to Crossroad Press to scan due to the fact a lot of these book's electronic pages had been permanently lost or were only available in photos of the pages on PDF. Over a 100+ books will be released over the course of 2024 and 2025.
For those not familiar with Crossroad Press, it is an audiobook and horror publisher that has a long history of helping out of print authors and works get republished. They do Brian Lumley and Clive Barker's audioboks as well as formerly being the publishers of the Stargate SG-1 novels. David Niall Wilson is a two time Stoker award winner as well as the author of a few of these books himself. I look forward to being able to read all of these fantastic books once more and hope this helps the books reach a new audience.
-CT Phipps
Author of Straight Outta Fangton, Cthulhu Armageddon, The Supervillainy Saga