Ten Recommended Vampire Novels
There was a time when vampirism was considered overdone, passe, and trash literature that was just popular because of its transgressive overtones that nevertheless allowed a bunch of a mostly female...
View ArticleLasombra (Clan Novel #6) review
Clan Novels Reviews1. Toreador2. Tzimisce3. Gangrel4. Setite5. Ventrue6. Lasombra LASOMBRA is the sixth novel in the Clan Novel series that began with TOREADOR and will continue until it reaches...
View ArticleTiamat's Wrath (Expanse #8) review
TIAMAT'S WRAITH is the latest volume of the Expanse. The Expanse struck science fiction like a breath of fresh air and is basically serving as Game of Throne's slightly less successful brother in...
View ArticleVampire: The Masquerade: Swansong review
VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE: SWANSONG is a very difficult game to review and is basically a heart monitor when it comes to quality. There's parts that are magnificent with incredibly good writing,...
View ArticleRenfield (2023) review
RENFIELD (2023) is an action horror comedy starring Nicholas Cage, Nicholas Hoult, and Awkwafina. Bluntly, whether you enjoy this movie will probably be decided purely on whether the prospect of...
View ArticleVampire: The Masquerade: Bloodstained Love review
BLOODSTAINED LOVE is the latest supplement for VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE and I have to say that it is a supplement I was looking forward to a lot. I admit not entirely for beneficent reasons because...
View ArticleAnnouncement - White Wolf fiction returning to print
Hey folks, As a longtime World of Darkness fan and writer for Crossroad Press, I am pleased to make an exciting announcement! Basically, in 2019, Crossroad Press and White Wolf/Paradox Interactive...
View ArticleTen Tips to running the Cult of Fenris in W5
W5 Chronicle Tips1. Ten Tips to running the Cult of Fenris in W5 One of the most controversial decisions of Werewolf: The Apocalypse Fifth Edition was the fall of the Get of Fenris to hauglosk and...
View ArticleWhy metaplot matters in the World of Darkness
Recently, I had a conversation with a friend who was talking about how he thought the World of Darkness should have had a complete reboot for Fifth Edition versus reviving the Old World of...
View Article101 adventure hooks for Werewolf: The Apocalypse Fifth Edition
W5 Chronicle TipsTen Tips to running the Cult of Fenris in W5Why metaplot matters in the World of Darkness 101 Adventure Hooks for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition Hey folks, Werewolf: The...
View ArticleVampire: The Masquerade: Blood Hunt review
VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE is near and dear to my heart due to the fact I started playing it when I was fourteen and have not really stopped since. It's a heavily social game that is probably best...
View ArticleCastlevania: Nocturne review
CASTLEVANIA: NOCTURNE is the latest installment of Netflix's Castlevania series, originally written and produced by Warren Ellis. The original series, starring Trevor Belmont (voiced by Richard...
View ArticleVampire's Kiss (1988) review
What does it take to make a movie classic? That is an interesting question and something that varies from person to person. For fans of vampire cinema, VAMPIRE'S KISS is something that I think...
View ArticleVampire: The Masquerade: Justice review
VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE: JUSTICE is a virtual reality video game that is available on the Playstation 5, Meta Quest 2, and Meta Quest 3. It is set in the World of Darkness published by Paradox...
View ArticleReview - Clan Novel: Assamite by Gherbod Fleming
CLAN NOVEL: ASSAMITE by Gherbod Fleming is book seven of the Clan Novel series. Set in the World of Darkness, more specifically the Vampire: The Masquerade setting, it follows the thirteen clans...
View ArticleVampire: The Masquerade: Dark Prince by Keith Herber review
DARK PRINCE by Keith Herber is the first full-length novel for the World of Darkness and, more specifically, VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE setting. It was published in 1994 and introduced the character...
View ArticleThere are ten basic Vampire: The Masquerade plots
I thought I'd share a bit of humor that I came up with and ended up meme-ing. Link: https://imgur.com/AAxKcqK
View ArticleGlass Onion review
GLASS ONION is something that I've definitely missed the mark on reviewing as everyone who was a fan of KNIVES OUT probably watched the movie already and everyone who hasn't seen either should...
View ArticleHalo season one review
HALO is one of the all-time most successful video game franchises. It's also a very well-developed science fiction setting with the books including some of my favorite outside of STAR TREK and STAR...
View ArticleWraith: The Oblivion: The Ebon Mask by Richard Lee Byers review
THE EBON MASK by Richard Lee Byers is a novel set in the WRAITH: THE OBLIVION gameline. I was never a fan of Wraith while it was being printed but am reasonably familiar with the world. You play as...
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