Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake DLC review
Warning: This review will contain spoilers for the ending of Sleeping Dogs. The Year of the Snake is the final DLC of the first Sleeping Dogs game. It serves an epilogue, to an extent, for the main...
View ArticleStar Trek: Into Darkness review
Star Trek: Into Darkness is a movie I have had some trepidation about watching due to the fact that I'm a big Star Trek fan. You can see it in the name of my website. I really liked Star Trek's...
View ArticleStar Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History review
I was a big fan of C.L Bennet's Department of Temporal Investigations: Watching the Clock. It was a new kind of Star Trek novel, depicting a fascinating mixture of bureaucrats dealing with minutiae...
View ArticleStar Trek Online: The Needs of the Many review
I was going to post this review a long time ago but I actually lost my original one. In any case, I got around to re-reading the novel and decided to review it anyway. As the title implies,...
View ArticleStar Trek: Articles of the Federation review
The West Wing meets Star Trek. One thing I've always wondered about is how the United Federation of Planets works. The name implies its meant to work roughly analogous to the United Nations but...
View ArticleStar Trek: The Video Game review
Star Trek is one of the most prolific franchises in the world for video games. One of my favorite video games of all time is Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Unfortunately, Star Trek video games have a...
View ArticleStar Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hollow Men review
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hollow Men is a direct sequel to the episode "In the Pale Moonlight." For those of you who haven't seen that episode, I suggest you stop reading and go watch it now....
View ArticleStar Trek: New Frontier (New Frontier) review
Star Trek: New Frontier is the father of the modern Star Trek Expanded Universe. Much like Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy created the modern Star Wars Expanded Universe, so did Peter David's...
View ArticleStar Trek Destiny: Gods of Night review
I've just picked up the Star Trek: Destiny series after putting it off for some time. I've been spoiled to a number of facts regarding the book series and how it ends, which ironically kept me...
View ArticleWhy a Star Trek reboot was necessary
My name is Charles Phipps, and I am a Trekkie. This is, quite bluntly, the Platonic true form of nerd in many people's minds. My wife, lovely woman that she is, finds Star Trek to be the most...
View ArticleStar Trek Destiny: Mere Mortals review
Mere Mortals is the second in the Star Trek Destiny series. It's also my favorite of the three books, nicely ratcheting up the tension while preparing us for the big finale. The Borg have fully...
View ArticleStar Trek Destiny: Lost Souls review
Note: This review goes into a VERY long digression on ethics in science fiction. The planet-shattering, literally, conclusion to the Star Trek Destiny story arc. The Borg have finally brought the...
View ArticleStar Trek: A Singular Destiny review
Star Trek: A Singular Destiny is the epilogue of the Star Trek Destiny saga. With over sixty billion sapients killed, entire worlds lit on fire, and half of Starfleet looking like Wolf 359--it's...
View ArticleStar Trek Titan: Over A Torrent Sea review
I am a great fan of Christopher L. Bennett's work. He's one of those rare authors who attempts to take Trek technobabble seriously, which seems a bit like trying to roll Sisyphus' boulder, yet...
View ArticleStar Trek: Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game review
*warning - long-winded review ahead* Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Zero Sum Game is a spy novel. A very unusual spy novel. The premise is something which, adjusted to an Earth setting, could be...
View ArticleStar Trek: New Frontier: Martyr review
Star Trek: New Frontier had a bit of growing pains to go through with the first four books. While there were moments of great comedy and great adventure, they were interspersed with unprofessional...
View ArticleStar Trek: Cold Equations: The Persistance of Memory review
Does an android have a soul? This question was asked on February 13, 1989 when "The Measure of a Man" premiered on Fox, Channel 11 as watched my yours truly at the tender age of nine. The...
View ArticleUnholy Ghosts (Downside Ghosts) review
Stacia Kane's Downside Ghosts series is an Urban Fantasy series with a surprising amount of edge. Unlike many of its sibling series, the novels are not just focused on the romance element. Instead,...
View ArticleStar Trek: Cold Equations: Silent Weapons
The Romulans have a saying, "Never turn your back on a Breen." Silent Weapons is the sequel to not only the The Persistence of Memory but the Typhon Pact series. David Mack is exceptionally good...
View ArticleStar Trek (2009) review
Star Trek wasn't dead, but was on life-support after Star Trek: Nemesis. This isn't because Nemesis was bad, I don't think it was as bad as Insurrection, but because it was plain that everyone in...
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