Star Trek: Cold Equations: The Body Electric review
There are two kinds of Star Trek fans: those who like Wesley Crusher and those who don't. I, for those who wish to know, am one of the former. I was a wee lad of seven when Star Trek: The Next...
View ArticleStar Trek: The Original Series: Ex Machina review
Star Trek and religion have an interesting relationship. Gene Rodenberry was proudly an atheist and believed that the future would result in people "outgrowing silly superstitions." Others in...
View ArticleStar Trek: Enterprise: Rise of the Federation: A Choice of Futures
A Choice of Futures is an interesting novel. In a weird way, I'd say it's as close to a Tom Clancy novel as you're going to find in Star Trek. Only, instead of Jack Ryan, we have Archer and instead...
View ArticleStar Trek Voyager: The Eternal Tide review
Star Trek: Voyager was a Star Trek series I very much enjoyed but couldn't follow in my area religiously. Nevertheless, I still managed to catch every episode right up until around "Scorpion"...
View ArticleStar Trek: New Frontier: Fire on High review
Fire on High continues with the changes started in Martyr, keeping the crew semi-serious and toning down the humor so it's still hilarious but possessed of more character development and drama....
View ArticleStar Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Never-Ending Sacrifice review
I love Una McCormack's work. I may not have cared much for the B-plot in Hollow Men but the A-plot was absolutely grand. The Never-Ending Sacrifice, however, does something daring and should be...
View ArticleStar Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire review
Rough Beasts of Empire is yet another novel in the continuing epic political drama of the Typhon Pact. As the cover indicates, the book is primarily about Captain Benjamin Sisko and Spock. The...
View ArticleStar Trek: Typhon Pact: The Struggle Within
Warning: Strange digression into RL politics ahead. I've always been fascinated with modern Arab cultures' struggle with the West. Not necessarily in terms of geopolitics but the sheer lack of...
View ArticleDishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC review
Dishonored is one of the best games to come out last year. The fact there's a distinct lack of stealth-based gameplay lately means it's virtually unchallenged as the best of its genre, as well....
View ArticleThe Fuller Memorandum (The Laundry book 3) review
I decided to give The Laundry series another try after being gravely disappointed with The Jennifer Morgue. I was intrigued in The Atrocity Archives by the possibilities of a Lovecraftian spy...
View ArticleWhat is Steampunk?
Since I have some extra time today, I thought I'd talk about one of my favorite lesser-known genres. Like urban-fantasy, Steampunk is one of the creatures which has grown up in recent years as a...
View ArticleEx-Communication (Ex-Heroes book 3) review
Ex-Communication is the third volume of the Ex-Heroes series, chronicling our intrepid band of superheroes as they struggle to rebuild civilization one brick at a time. I enjoyed the first story...
View ArticleDark review
There is something worse than a terribly-made game and that's a game where you actually suspect you'd enjoy it if the developers just gave a damn. Dark is an awesome game which is unplayable due to...
View ArticleThrone of Glass review
When I was a boy, the shelves were absolutely filled with fantasy novels. I read over a hundred Dragonlance novels alone, often one a day. Then, in part because I went to college, I fell out of the...
View ArticleRetro-Review: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Damn, it feels good to be a gangster. Grand Theft Auto is a series I like to call a "Catharsis Simulator" where we get to briefly turn off our brains for a time to enjoy ourselves. You can read...
View ArticleGrand Theft Auto IV review
As part of my "Month of Grand Theft Auto", I thought I'd take time to review the majority of the games in the series. At the very least, the HD versions. No more important game to this study exists...
View ArticleGrand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And The Damned review
In addition to Grand Theft Auto IV, my Complete Edition pack came with The Lost And The Damned as well as The Ballad of Gay Tony. These latter two were the two DLC campaigns made for the game,...
View ArticleGrand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony review
The Ballad of Gay Tony is the final DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV and finishes up Liberty City's storyline. A story which interconnected the main game and The Lost and the Damned. Throughout the...
View ArticleI'm going to have another short story published!
Good news, folks.I'm going to have yet another short story published. This time in Emby Press' Blood Trails anthology.'s 3...
View ArticleThe Omega Dog (Pavlov's Dogs book 2#) review
The Omega Dog is the sequel to Pavlov's Dogs, a story of genetically-engineered werewolves versus zombies I found to be immensely satisfying. The Omega Dog picks up literally minutes after the...
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