Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation review
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation chronicles the adventures of Theron Shan, spy and son of Jedi Grandmaster Satele Shan. Born without sensitivity to the Force, Theron Shan was still trained...
View ArticleRetro-Review: Grand Theft Auto 3 review
\ With the release of Grand Theft Auto V coming soon, it seemed a good time to review the game which started the phenomenon. While there had been previous Grand Theft Auto games, the third...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Old Republic: Sith Inquisitor Storyline review
Warning: Some possible minor spoilers for the Sith Inquisitor storyline. I am Darth Imperius. Born a Chiss slave, the Darth Imperius was rescued from a life of back-breaking labor by the...
View ArticleThe Nature of the Sith - Can They Be Good?
Where it all began. In The Empire Strikes Back, we're introduced to the Sith. Before, A New Hope implied that Darth Vader was nothing more than a fallen Jedi Knight. While the order is never...
View ArticleThe Pen Name review
Stephen King once wrote that “Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations; they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear." In a horror story, the victim keeps...
View ArticleShould the Star Wars Expanded Universe be rebooted?
Every Generation Has A Legend. Every Journey Has A First Step. Every Saga Has A Beginning. These words were accompanied to the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace teaser trailer. To me, they were the...
View ArticleStar Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void review
I think Dawn of the Jedi is the most interesting thing to happen to Star Wars in years. For the longest time, I actually considered the Jedi story well to be tapped. It wasn't so much I'd gotten...
View ArticleStar Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm TPB review
I admit I wasn't initially interested in the Dawn of the Jedi series. The prospect of finding out about the origins of the Jedi Order didn't particularly tantalize me the way new stories about...
View ArticleStar Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Prisoner of Bogan TPB review
I admit, I was underwhelmed with Into The Void but Force Storm has proven the Dawn of the Jedi setting has great potential. I was eager to plow into the Prisoner of Bogan arc as soon as I finished...
View ArticleStar Wars: Crucible review
Warning - This book contains spoilers for Star Wars: Crucible. Wow, this book is terrible. I love Troy Denning, don't get me wrong. I'm a huge fan of his "first" Crucible book (Crucible: The...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Force Unleashed review
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is, with the exception of the Knights of the Old Republic games, the best video game adaptation of the Star Wars universe. Yes, even beating TIE Fighter. It manages...
View ArticleWhy Starkiller should be a major part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe
Warning: This essay will spoil the events of The Force Unleashed and The Force Unleashed 2. Star Wars is a franchise with hundreds of heroes but only a few who matter. Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan...
View ArticleThe Force Unleashed 2 review
The Force Unleashed is one of my favorite Star Wars games. I was anxiously awaiting playing the sequel when the credits rolled on the first game. I had heard mixed reviews on The Force Unleashed 2...
View ArticleStar Wars: Darth Plagueis review
"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even...
View ArticleWhy Starkiller fits into the Expanded Universe
Starkiller a.k.a Galen Marek is one of the most controversial figures of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Introduced in The Force Unleashed multimedia event, he proved extremely popular but...
View ArticleStar Wars: Book of Sith review
"Fear attracts the fearful… the strong… the weak… the innocent… the corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally." ―Darth Maul. The Book of Sith is the companion piece to the Jedi Path sourcebook I reviewed...
View ArticleStar Wars: Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets review
Jahan Cross is the best thing to happen to the Star Wars Expanded Universe in years. A relatively simple concept: James Bond in Space, he has adventures that don't feel like anything else in Star...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Old Republic: The Lost Suns review
I am of two minds about Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Lost Suns. On one hand, it is a perfectly serviceable Star Wars story. There's the Sith, they've built a nasty superweapon, and we have a...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars: The Last Jedi feels like a Star Wars MMORPG novel. This is a curious statement because we have had lots of Star Wars MMORPG novels and none of them felt like this. The Old Republic...
View ArticleGot another short story published!
Emby PressEmby Press is going to be publishing my short story, "Gamma Squadron's Last Mission" in their anthology, Blood Trails - Doomsday.I'm so pleased. This is like my 5th published short story. My...
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