The first Rules of Supervillainy reviews are in
Here's a collection of some of my favorite reviews about the book so far.The Bookie Monster's reviewI was so nervous to read this book. I know Charles Phipps. He’s read my own books and has made it no...
View ArticleBefore the Dawn (Tales of the Century 1#) review
Before the Dawn is a story by Thom Brannan, author of the Pavlov's Dogs series. I was interested in this work automatically since any author who comes up with the idea of Zombies vs. Werewolves...
View ArticleGame of Thrones: Episode 4: Sons of Winter review
The events of the Game of Thrones Telltale adaptation are gradually, very gradually, coming to a head. We discover a rough outline of where everyone is attempting to go with their various plots and...
View ArticleScavenger: Evolution review
Scavenger: Evolution is a collection of three novellas set in a post-apocalyptic future where the United States, possibly the Earth itself, has been reduced to a gigantic shifting desert. The...
View ArticleBlood of Elves review
“We have to live next to each other,” Yarpen continued. “We and you, humans. Because we simply don’t have any other option. We’ve known this for two hundred years and we’ve been working towards it...
View ArticleDraw Blood review
Draw Blood is the sequel to Blood Red, a horror novel about an alien invasion where a mysterious "Red Light" kills the majority of the human population overnight and then re-animates their corpse...
View ArticleThe Rules of Supervillainy paperback version is now available!
Good news, everyone!I'm pleased to say that the paperback version the Rules of Supervillainy is now available for purchase from There's nothing like taking a paperback copy of your book in...
View ArticleThe Politics of the Witcher 3 part I
Warning: This essay will contain spoilers for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and some references to The Witcher novels. Part II available to read herePart III available to read here I love The Witcher 3:...
View ArticleThe Politics of the Witcher 3 part II
Warning: This essay will contain spoilers for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and some references to The Witcher novels. Having already discussed the Third Nilfgaard War in the first section, this part...
View ArticleThe Politics of the Witcher 3 part III
Warning: This essay will contain spoilers for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and some references to The Witcher novels. Part I is available to read herePart II is available to read here Having discussed...
View ArticleThe Politics of the Witcher 3 part IV
Warning: This essay will contain spoilers for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and some references to The Witcher novels. Part I available to read herePart II available to read herePart III available to read...
View ArticleMy first interview for "The Rules of Supervillainy"
I'm pleased to say that I've gotten my first interview out for The Rules of Supervillainy and, to a lesser extent, Esoterroism. Sonja Perrin was a great interviewer and I really enjoyed her...
View ArticleAn essay by me on Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, and Grimdark
I thought everyone might be interested in an article I did for Ragnarok Publications which deals with the various types of fantasy which exist and is a two-parter. Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, and...
View ArticleThe Legend of Korra: Book 2: Spirits review
I was a big fan of the first season of The Legend of Korra (reviewed here) despite the fact it had numerous flaws. Part of the issue was that Korra pushed the envelope in terms of storytelling with...
View ArticleModern Testament review
"Biblical beings, although ancient and iconic, struggle to be understood and find their place in today's society. Humanity has changed since their creation during the days of antiquity and they...
View ArticleThe Time of Contempt review
‘Nothing. But what about Kaedwen, Dandelion? Why didn’t Henselt of Kaedwen come to Demavend and Meve’s aid? They had a pact, after all; they were bound by an alliance. But even if Henselt,...
View ArticleTales from the Borderlands: Episode 3: Catch a Ride review
The third installment of gaming's most funny action-adventure series in at least five years. Catch a Ride begins following the cliffhanger ending where Rhys must choose between trusting Handsome...
View ArticleThe Testament of Tall Eagle review
There is a serious problem in fantasy, albeit it's kind of a minor First World problem which only exists for privileged geeks who are snobby about their literature tastes (like me), and that is a...
View ArticleClandestine Daze: Influx review
The Clandestine Daze series by Tim Marquitz is a set of supernatural spy fiction depicting a doppleganger named Z who has temporarily adopted the persona of a Texas security consultant in order to...
View ArticleMy interview with Rising Shadow
Hey folks, my first interview for ESOTERRORISM got published today by Rising Shadow. I really like these guys. They asked a lot of really good questions and let me ramble on for as long as I wanted...
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