Game of Thrones: Episode 6: The Ice Dragon review
"If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." -Ramsay Bolton The quote above summarizes this game in a nutshell. I love Telltale Games, I truly do but I'm...
View ArticleGame of Thrones (2015 video game) review
A Song of Wood and Iron. A Game of Trees. These are my nicknames for Telltale game's experimental adaptation of the HBO television show, Game of Thrones, which itself is an adaptation of the...
View ArticleThe Spider and the Laurel review
The Spider and the Laurel has some pretty hefty hurdles to overcome in its premise: it is a religiously-themed series about a militant anti-religious government having taken over the United States...
View ArticleUpdate for December 2015
Hey folks,I thought I'd give you guys, my fans, an update as to what the current situation is on a number of projects which are going on right now. Quite a few have been waiting patiently for THE GAMES...
View ArticleWolfenstein: The New Order review
I've actually been kind of troubled by this game because I am caught in a weird place regarding it. I love Wolfenstein, don't get me wrong. I played Wolfenstein 3d when it first came out and have...
View ArticleThe Wheel of Time: The Fires of Heaven review
The Wheel of Time series is one which is a hefty time investment even for those who devour books quickly. Nevertheless, it is a collection of books which contain a fascinating array of characters...
View ArticleThe Greater Good review
The Greater Good is the latest volume of the Ciaphas Cain series. Set in the Warhammer 40K universe, it follows the adventures of the titular Commissar. Ostensibly a political officer, Ciaphas Cain...
View ArticleThe Games of Supervillainy is now available for purchase!
THE GAMES OF SUPERVILLAINY is now available for purchase from on Kindle!Get ready for the action-packed follow up to The Rules of Supervillainy. This time with zombies, zombified heroes and...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Force Awakens (non-spoiler) review
The spoiler review for the movie is available here. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a work just about every geek has given his or her opinion on since it's release. For the most part it's been a...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Force Awakens (spoiler) review
Warning: This will contain spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.Read the non-spoiler review of the movie here. Okay, everyone who has seen the movie should read this. Everyone who hasn't, well,...
View ArticleStar Wars: Before the Awakening review
I've decided to, cautiously, begin reading novels from the New Star Wars Expanded universe. One of the obvious places to begin is the light-novel lead-ups to Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This is a...
View ArticleStar Wars: The Old Republic: Jedi Knight storyline review
Warning: Some spoilers for the Jedi Knight storyline. I’m way behind on my reviews for this but I figured I might as well finish them up so I can get around to reviewing Knights of a Fallen Empire....
View ArticleMobile Suit Gundam: Awakening, Escalation, Confrontation review
I'm a long-time fan of the Gundam series even if I believe it's been about ten years and five series too many since they had anything new to say. Then again, that's the nature of all fandom for...
View ArticleGalefire Review
I fully admit to being a huge fan of Kenny Soward’s GnomeSaga series. It was fun, quirky, oddball fantasy which didn’t take itself too seriously. As such, I was kind of off-put by the revelation...
View ArticleStar Wars: A New Dawn review
I’m a big fan of Star Wars: Rebels despite it being aimed at an age range younger than the original Star Wars. It’s a happy, peppy, and fun series which I find immensely entertaining. I’m also a...
View ArticleJourney to The Force Awakens: Lost Stars review
Lost Stars is the chronicles of the treacherous Thane Kyrell, murderous rebel and terrorist, who betrays the courageous Imperial officer Ciena Ree. Ciena Ree overcomes her budding attraction for...
Hey folks,I just wanted you all to know that THE GAME OF SUPERVILLAINY's Kindle version has been updated. There were a few typos and mistakes which we missed the first time around (a couple of...
View ArticleAre the First Order actually the good guys?
This essay will contain spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Before the Awakening, Star Wars: The Lost Stars, and the Star Wars: Visual Dictionary. Before I get to the actual essay,...
View ArticleStar Wars: Aftermath review
One of the things which always annoyed me was the celebration montage of the Return of the Jedi Special Edition. While other fans may complain about Han shooting first, Boba Fett being a lowly thug...
View ArticleAssassin's Creed: Syndicate: Jack the Ripper DLC review
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate was an excellent addition to the Assassin's Creed franchise. It wasn't an exceptional game, really, due to the rather stereotypical depiction of the Assassin vs....
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