Star Trek: New Frontier: The Quiet Place review
I created the United Federation of Charles to review Star Trek: Expanded Universe novels. I quickly moved away from this format because, well, I was interested in other stuff and there was a slow...
View ArticleWraith Knight cover revealed!
Here's the cover for my upcoming book, to be released in Fall of 2016, WRAITH KNIGHT!I really love what Alex Raspad did with this work as he managed to capture exactly what I wanted from the...
View ArticleStar Trek: Typhon Pact: Brinkmanship review
The Typhon Pact novels are an interesting experiment in Star Trek literature. They are, in simple terms, an attempt to create a power to rival the Federation which is simultaneously hostile to the...
View ArticleThe Games of Supervillainy audiobook is now available!
Great news, everyone! Jeffrey Kafer, the narrator for THE RULES OF SUPERVILLAINY, not only successfully completed and submitted the sequel but it is now available for purchase from Audible as well as...
View ArticleUndead L.A. review
Devan Sagliani is the grandmaster of independent zombie fiction. In a genre which has produced thousands of (largely sub-par) works in the past decade, Devan has managed to produce some of the most...
View ArticleStar Trek: New Frontier: Dark Allies review
Dark Allies is another great book in the Star Trek: New Frontier series. I've mentioned this is my favorite series in the Star Trek novelverse and it's up there with my favorite series of books all...
View ArticleStar Trek: Voyager: Acts of Contrition
Star Trek: Voyager is a series with an interesting relationship to my teenage years. It's probably my second-to-least favorite Star Trek but I know all of the cast intimately and was invested in...
View ArticleStar Trek: Bridge Commander review
This is a retro-review. I'm pretty sure no one is going to go out of their way to purchase a 2002 game, even if they could get it to work in 2016. However, it's fun to talk about your memories of...
View ArticleGrimdark Magazine 6# is out with articles by me
I'm pleased to say Grimdark Magazine, a great fanzine I have a lot of respect for, has seen fit to include two articles by me in their latest publication. These are, "WHO IS THE GRIMDARK VILLAIN?"...
View ArticleDragon's Lair review
Dragon's Lair is an interesting game to review as you wouldn't think it would still be playable despite the fact it came out in 1983. However, Dragon's Lair has been ported to console after console...
View ArticleWhy is Dragon Age moving away from Dark Fantasy?
Dragon Age: Origins is one of my favorite video games of all time. It's not the greatest video game in terms of originality or gameplay but it does something which I give it a lot of credit for: it...
View ArticleAscension mini-series review
Warning - this review will contains spoilers for the Ascension mini-series. I'm presently enjoying The Expanse and Killjoys series on the Syfy channel, which is the first sign of the old (note the...
View ArticlePrince of Fools review
Mark Lawrence is one of my favorite new writers. I say new because I only started reading him in 2015. He's rapidly approaching Jim Butcher and Peter David levels of providing me with some of my...
View ArticleLucifer (television series) pilot review
I'm a big fan of Neil Gaiman's Lucifer from Sandman and less of the spin-off series which took the basic concept and ran with it in a direction I didn't care for. The premise for those Philistines...
View ArticleBioshock review
Warning - this review will contain spoilers for the storyline of the original Bioshock. This is a review which I file under, "no one in the world needs because everyone has already made up their...
View ArticleExclusive Interview with Kenny Soward! II
Hey folks,We've got an extra-special treat for you guys with a return from GnomeSaga author Kenny Soward to talk about his new gritty urban fantasy novel Galefire.Galefire follows the adventures of...
View ArticleWar God Rising review
War God Rising is the latest book by Tim Marquitz, one of my favorite authors for quick and entertaining popcorn fiction. No denial, Tim Marquitz is also one of the editors for Ragnarok...
View ArticleLegends of Tomorrow (Pilot part 1 and 2) review
I was skeptical of this show. Very skeptical. Which is a strange thing because I'm overall very pleased with the DC television Renaissance which is going on lately. As bad as I think the direction...
View ArticleEx-Isle review
The Ex-Heroes novels by Peter Clines are one of the best high concept books which are presently out there. The concept is a simple X meets Y sort of setting. "What would happen if the zombie...
View ArticleDead Space review
One of the most influential games of all time is System Shock. It is the father of survival horror and gave birth to many other science fiction and horror games. One of the most famous of these is...
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