Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson review
If you want to read two novels to get a sense of the cyberpunk genre, I generally recommend either Neuromancer or Snow Crash. This is interesting because Snow Crash was meant to be a parody of the...
View ArticleResident Evil: Revelations 2 review
I'm catching up on all of the various Resident Evil titles I've missed since I stopped following the series around Code Veronica. That's quite a few games and I decided to start with Resident Evil...
View ArticleDeus Ex: A Criminal Past review
This is going to be a bittersweet review since A Criminal Past is probably going to be the last Deus Ex game in this continuity and almost certainly the last game starring Adam Jensen. For those of...
View ArticleAGENT G: INFILTRATOR is available for Pre-Order!
Hello my wonderful fans, I have great news that my science fiction assassin series, AGENT G, is now available for Pre-Order from We've got a lot of faith in this story and we'll be...
View ArticleAssassins Creed (2016 movie) review
Assassin's Creed is a series I have great fondness for. I love conspiracy theories and alternate history, which is what the franchise survives on. I love the idea of an Atlantis-like precursor...
View ArticleResident Evil 5 review
I actually completed Resident Evil 5 a while back and got caught up advertising my upcoming books (AGENT G: INFILTRATOR, THE SCIENCE OF SUPERVILLAINY) so I didn't get a chance to do up my review....
View ArticleStar Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End by Chuck Wendig review
Chuck Wendig had a pretty hard road ahead of him when he took upon the Aftermath trilogy as he, essentially, had to replace the entire Star Wars Legends Expanded Universe by creating a history that...
View ArticleAgent G paperback released and The Science of Supervillainy pre-order available!
Hey folks,I'm pleased to say AGENT G: INFILTRATOR is now available in paperback format and the ebook as well as audiobook version (narrated by Jeffrey Kafer) will be released on April 1st, 2017. I...
View ArticleMass Effect: Andromeda review
Well, that was definitely a Mass Effect game. That's probably the best way to describe my experience with Andromeda, which is a game that I had mixed feelings going into. Like many fans of the...
View ArticleNew cover for Lucifer's Star in the works
Hey folks,I absolutely love my book Lucifer's Star with Michael Suttkus but the cover never quite sat right with me, so I've commissioned a new cover for the book's release in paperback and audiobook...
View ArticleAgent G now available on Kindle, audiobook, and in paperback format
I'm pleased to say AGENT G is now available in the three formats which I intend to release it. The science fiction thriller is a work which I'm very proud of and I hope will be the first of several...
View ArticleAgent G: Infiltrator excerpt
Here's a sample chapter from my recently released book:Chapter OneI was sitting in the driver’s seat of a 2017 Mercedes Benz S-Klasse, staring at a handheld computer screen tapped into the security...
View ArticleRed Sister by Mark Lawrence review
"Friendship is, well, it’s caring for somebody more than you do yourself.""Fool, that’s not friendship, that’s love."-The Doctor and Zagreus, Zagreus audio drama Red Sister is the third series to...
View Article50 Tips for Writing Grimdark Fiction
I have some experience writing dark fantasy and space opera plus my recent cyberpunk novel. So, I thought I'd throw together all the little rules I made for myself when writing to share with you guys....
View ArticleLUCIFER'S STAR new cover revealed!
It's been no secret I wasn't very happy with the original cover of LUCIFER'S STAR, my "dark space opera" which chronicles the eternal question of what exactly happens to the mooks of your stereotypical...
View ArticlePaternus by Dyrk Ashton review
So, basically it's American Gods if it was a action horror movie rather than a whimsical Gaiman-esque road rtrip. This is a compliment to the author because there's a staggering number of...
View ArticleInto the Dark (Alexis Carew 1#) by J.A. Sutherland
I'm a huge fan of David Weber's Honor Harrington series and several other Age of Sail stories which happen to be transplanted into space. I'm also a fan of the original Horatio Hornblower novels....
View ArticleExclusive Interview with J.A. Sutherland!
Hey folks,We've got a real treat today with J.A. Sutherland, author of the Alexis Carew series, stopping by to answer some questions about his ongoing series. For those unfamiliar with it, it is a...
View ArticleThe Tower of Zhaal and The Science of Supervillainy are now available!
Hey folks,I have great news that THE TOWER OF ZHAAL, sequel to CTHULHU ARMAGEDDON, is now available on audiobook, paperback, and Kindle format for readers. Like the original novel, it's a...
View ArticleGideon's Curse by David Niall Wilson review
I've long been a fan of David Niall Wilson, since the days when he was a writer for Vampire: The Dark Ages. I've read many of his books and enjoyed all of them. However, I think it's fair to...
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