Cover Reveal: Lucifer's Star by C.T. Phipps
Here's the final version of it.From the bestselling author of The Rules of Supervillainy:Cassius Mass was the greatest star pilot of the Crius Archduchy. He fought fiercely for his cause, only to watch...
View ArticleMutineer (Alexis Carew #2) by J.A. Sutherland review
Alexis Carew is my favorite new series and one I intend to continue reading as long as J.A. Sutherland continues to write them. I read Mutineer as soon as I finished the first novel, Into the Dark,...
View ArticleBeauty in Ruins: In Space No One Can See You Bleed . . . by C.T. Ph...
Beauty in Ruins: In Space No One Can See You Bleed . . . by C.T. Ph...: Beauty and Ruins the review website has posted a nice little article about my book, LUCIFER'S STAR, and why space stories...
View ArticleThe Secret King: Lethao by Dawn Chapman review
I'm in a space opera kind of mood which, if my genre fondness holds out, means I'll probably spend the next couple of months absorbed in the genre before moving on. That means trying to find good...
View ArticleThe Secret King: First Contact by Dawn Chapman review
The Secret King: First Contact by Dawn Chapman is the sequel to the first novel, Lethao, which chronicled the journey of the human-like Aonise to the planet Earth after their sun exploded. One part...
View ArticleCover sketch for Lucifer's Nebula!
I'm presently working on the sequel to Lucifer's Star, Lucifer's Nebula, which will continue the adventure of Cassius Mass and the crew of the Melampus. Here's the wonderful sketch for its cover by...
View ArticleCiaphas Cain, Hero of the Imperium review
In the grim dark future, there is only black comedy. The word grimdark is a portmanteau created created by 4chan to make fun of the opening crawl of Warhammer 40K's text i.e. "In the grim dark...
View ArticleThe Little Ships (Alexis Carew 3#) by J.A. Sutherland review
I've mentioned on numerous occasions how much I love J.A. Sutherland's Alexis Carew series. I've already reviewed the first two books in the series but had to take a brief break before working on...
View ArticleLucifer's Star is now out in paperback!
I'm pleased to announce Lucifer's Star, my dark space opera novel taking place in the 1003 A.S of the New Calendar, is is now available in paperback form for purchase! It's a story I wrote after...
View ArticleRemember Bowling Green: The Adventures of Frederick Douglass, Time Traveler...
Remember, Remember, the 10th of MarchThe Day of Ronald Trump's startI see a reason, that time-traveling treasonShould make his campaign stop Okay, I'm not exactly a poet but, fortunately, Frederick...
View ArticleDarkstorm (Rhenwars Saga 1#) by M.L. Spencer review
Darkstorm is an interesting novel because I can't help but think of a high school class of Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, and other short fantasy novel series with Rhenwars sitting in the back as...
View ArticleThe cover art for Lucifer's Nebula revealed!
Alex Raspad has done an amazing job here and really brought to home Isla and Cassius in action. LUCIFER'S NEBULA is still being written but I'm hoping we can release it in Kindle and paperback form by...
View ArticleThe Dragon's Legacy by Deborah A. Wolf review
There's multiple kinds of fantasy: There's high fantasy which is elves, dwarves, and unicorns that can have dark elements but is mostly about heroic narratives. This dark fantasy and grimdark which...
View ArticleValley of Embers by Steven Kelliher
So, what if Gandalf was evil? This has been a topic which has been touched upon by a number of books. The First Law Trilogy managed to do it in a delightfully interesting way. However, Valley of...
View ArticleHMS Nightingale (Alexis Carew 4#) review
The Alexis Carew books are a favorite of mine and my go-to books for space opera of a decidedly Age of Sail-esque bent. I absolutely loved the first three books and was very eager to get into the...
View ArticleShattered Dreams by Ulff Lehmann review
I'm a big fan of Mark Lawrence's Self Published Fantasy Blog Off and while I don't participate in it, I always use it as an option to find new and exciting books to review. One of these books is...
View ArticleStar Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn review
My first Star Wars novel, which would literally change my life, was Dark Force Rising in 1992. I was twelve-years-old and it changed my view of how Star Wars and writing were supposed to work. It...
View ArticleThe Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi review
I admit my primary knowledge of John Scalzi comes from the Hugo award controversy last year where I only paid a little attention. Sadly, my knowledge of sci-fi fandom is spotty at best as I'm still...
View ArticleBeauty in Ruins: Populating a Universe is Hard . . . by C.T. Phipps...
An essay by me about populating universes with quirky memorable characters on the Beauty in Ruins website. I think people looking to add a little spice to their world-building will find this a little...
View ArticleBlood Dawn by Jason Bovberg review
The Blood Trilogy is one of the better zombie novel stories I've read in the past ten years. I originally picked it up when I was still with Permuted Press and said company was still primarily...
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